Sicily: the General States of Cinema hosted in Syracuse

Schifani: «Sicily has an open-air set, ready to also encourage sector training»

Sicily: the General States of Cinema hosted in Syracuse.

«Sicily is an open-air set, and it wants to demonstrate it with this initiative strongly supported by my government and the Tourism Councilor, Elvira Amata. We will listen to what comes out of this moment of debate and discussion, underlining that our island is also ready to help train film producers and actors." The President of the Region said it, Renato Schifani, speaking this morning at the “General States of Cinema” underway at Castello Maniace in Syracuse, on the island of Ortigia. Three days of meetings and debates with over 200 authoritative representatives of Italian cinema, promoted by the Sicilian Region, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Enit.

"In Sicily - added Schifani – we have a climate and natural and architectural sets, such as the Maniace castle in which we find ourselves today, which are already autonomous locations, they present themselves, ideal for hosting film productions and cinematographic settlements. We have invested more than 20 million in this sector, we have foreseen another five in the latest Finance Law, at the request of councilor Amata, precisely to carry out a project. As I had already said during the electoral campaign, Sicily must become an attractive center for audiovisual productions, also with specific incentives dedicated to training. But the facts speak for themselves: Makari, or Inspector Montalbano, and many other great productions came by themselves. Then we must stimulate further interest through the political initiative we are taking by encouraging the arrival of new opportunities, because it is no longer just the time of "La Piovra'".

«From the manifesto that will come out of the States General – concluded the governor from the stage – I hope that concrete indications arrive, precise, pragmatic guidelines for the promotion of the film industry in Sicily. This could represent a key step in the implementation of our strategy to strengthen film tourism which has been experiencing non-stop expansion for years and which sees Sicily among the privileged destinations, also with a view to promoting winter tourism, that is, deseasonalizing the flows, the direction in which we are working."

Sicilia: ospitati a Siracusa gli Stati generali del Cinema.

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