San Vito dei Normanni. The Carabinieri meet the students of the 1st and 2nd middle classes.
The Carabinieri of the Compagnia di San Vito dei Normanni met a group of students from the 1st Comprehensive Institute of San Vito dei Normanni.
San Vito dei Normanni (BR). The Carabinieri meet the students of the 1st and 2nd middle classes.
In recent days, the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di San Vito dei Normanni, as part of the training seminars for the diffusion of the culture of legality, met a group of students from the 1st Comprehensive Institute of San Vito dei Normanni. At the meeting, held by Captain Vito Sacchi, Commander of the Carabinieri Company of San Vito dei Normanni, by Lt. Antonio Panico, Commander of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit, by the President of UNUCI (National Union of Officers on Leave) of Brindisi Giovanni Convertino and by the President of the ANC Section (National Carabinieri Association) of San Vito dei Normanni Marshal on Leave Nicola Ruggiero, 80 students of the 1st and 2nd middle school classes "Meo" and the teaching staff participated.
Constructive debate, in which some delicate issues were addressed such as the spread of drugs among young people, the health risks deriving from their consumption and the related administrative and criminal consequences, bullying and gender violence. The meeting was carried out by actively involving the students with whom a constructive discussion was established, arousing curiosity and addressing these delicate topics with a direct approach in which, in addition to the regulatory references, practical cases, personal experiences and considerations are exposed.
The meeting is part of a wider calendar of events which see the Carabinieri working closely with young and very young students with the aim of increasing civic sense and trust towards the Institution.
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