
Ragusa: Launch of the “AdottaUnaGioia” campaign for the adoption of animals from the municipal shelter

Every first Thursday of the month, the Municipality of Ragusa promotes the adoption of dogs from the shelter through photos and stories on social media, raising awareness of animal protection.

Ragusa: Launch of the “AdottaUnaGioia” campaign for the adoption of animals from the municipal shelter.

The Departments for Animal Welfare and Digitalisation, in collaboration with “Pensieri Bestiali” which manages the municipal health shelter, launch the campaign “#AdottaUnaGioia”: every first Thursday of the month the Facebook page of the Municipality of Ragusa and the Instagram profile @comuneragusaofficial will give space to photos, characteristics and curiosities of the four-legged guests of our shelter to encourage their adoption.

"Too often – states the mayor Peppe Cassì – social media end up being virtual places to vent, with unedifying comments and fake news. “Never a joy” many often write when commenting on small misfortunes or bad news. Well then, promote a useful and positive use, raising awareness of the adoption of an animal. Few things, and I say this from personal experience, bring as much joy into a home as a pet, especially if taken from an unfortunate life".

"From the very beginning I understood the delegation to Animal Welfare in a literal way – Councillor Andrea Distefano continues – focusing precisely on the aspect of protection. I am in fact convinced that there can be no policy or action to combat stray animals that does not involve proper management of the health and life of animals. Adopting a dog is the best thing that can happen: its life improves, a family is made happy, a place is freed up in our shelter. Raising awareness is therefore a fundamental step and doing it on social media, where each of us spends a bit of our time, can give an important boost".

"The reorganization of social channels, which has already seen the opening of the Municipality's Instagram profile and which will soon see other innovations – explains the Councillor for Digitalisation, Simone Digrandi – is designed precisely to make these channels not just mere disseminators of press releases. Each Municipality is not a subject of a community but is the community itself, in all its aspects and facets. A Community that does and follows sports, as we did with the initiative “the (long) sports Sunday” that presents the events of each weekend; that cares about its animals, as we will do every first Thursday of the month with #AdottaUnaGioia. And we will not stop here".

Ragusa: Lancio della campagna "AdottaUnaGioia" per l'adozione degli animali del rifugio comunale

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