Pisa: A theatrical show to remember Calvino at the Thinking Festival
Last evening of the 2023 edition of the Festival del Pensare which also this year closes with the theatre
Pisa: A theatrical show to remember Calvino at the Thinking Festival.
La Company of the Bear brings to the stage Tuesday July 25, in the theater Open at night in Casale Maritime IF A SUMMER NIGHT, a theatrical show by the Teatro dell'Orsa Company of Reggio Emilia. On the occasion of centennial of the birth of Italo Calvino, the Ursa theater will take us on a journey through the pages of the famous writer's works starting from Marcovaldo, the Italian fairy tales, the Invisible Cities up to getting lost with the Traveler on a winter night.
From Marcovaldo's absurd stories to the tales of difficult loves, from the incredible foresight of Invisible Cities until getting lost with The traveler on a winter night and among the obsessions of Palomar. Playful memories, suspended, when summer becomes poignant. A lost music on the beaches, among the park benches, it slips into the city until it draws the arch of the stars. A time to have fun and immerse ourselves in writing of one of the greatest novelists of the 900th century, an opportunity to Don't waste all that amount of stars that Calvino leaves at our disposal by recognizing the infinite catalog of our destinies.
By and with Monica Morini and Bernardino Bonzani, music by Gaetano Nenna.
Start at 21.15pm, free admission.
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