Naples. Maschio Angioino reopened to the public from Thursday 25 April.

The Maschio Angioino will reopen to the public following the completion of the safety measures which affected the internal facades of the courtyard.

Naples. Maschio Angioino reopened to the public from Thursday 25 April.

The Maschio Angioino will reopen to the public, at completion of the safety measures which affected the internal facades of the courtyard.

In less than a month, from the fall of a stone in front of the ticket office, all checks and safety measures were carried out using an aerial platform which allowed working at high altitudes, up to 30 meters high, to examine all the internal facades and remove any element capable of causing concern.

About a hundred small pieces of piperno, white marble, tuff and brick were removed and recovered and a net was also installed on the vault of the entrance vestibule which introduces the monumental site to protect visitors from a possible fall of rubble.

The works, arranged by the Culture service and carried out by the technicians of Napoli Servizi, were concluded on Wednesday 24th and will make from Thursday 25th the Maschio Angioino will once again be accessible to the public of tourists and visitors that crowd the city during these festive days.

Napoli. Maschio Angioino riaprirà al pubblico giovedì 25 aprile.



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