Milano, promote and enhance the regional creative system of design and fashion
Mazzali: "With the regional measure "DE.MO" we support two strategic sectors for the Lombard economic system"
Milano, promote and enhance the regional creative system of design and fashion
Promoting and enhancing the regional creative system of design and fashion by supporting initiatives and events promoted by companies, associations or foundations is the objective of the measure 'DEMO – Design and Fashion initiatives and events' approved by the Lombardy Regional Council, on the proposal of the Councilor for Tourism, Fashion and Territorial Marketing Barbara Mazzali.
DYNAMIC SECTORS – “Design and fashion constitute two of the most dynamic and relevant sectors for the Lombard economic system – explains councilor Mazzali – in terms of number of businesses, employees, added value produced and exports. At an international level, they represent areas of excellence in terms of degree of innovation and quality expressed and act as attractive factors for the promotion of Lombardy from a territorial marketing perspective, generating flows of visitors and operators from all over the world".
“Given the excellent results of the first two editions of the measure, both in terms of the number of applications received and the quality of the projects financed – he continues – we decided to refinance it, to support our entrepreneurs active in these strategic sectors for our Region. Lombard genius and entrepreneurship – concludes the commissioner – must be concretely supported. In fact, many of our successes come from there."
THE DE.MO. MEASURE – The measure finances, with a non-repayable contribution, events promoting design and/or fashion, consistent with the strategic objectives of the Lombardy Region for the two sectors.
The third edition of the measure 'DEMO – Design and Fashion initiatives and events' maintains the aim of promoting and enhancing the regional creative system of design and fashion by supporting projects promoted by companies, associations or foundations.
BENEFICIARIES – The beneficiaries are private entities in the form of a company, association or foundation. Natural persons are excluded.
Each individual can obtain the contribution for only one initiative/event in each year
ECONOMIC COMMITMENT – The overall financial allocation amounts to 1 million euros for the two-year period 2024-2025.
CONCRETE SUPPORT – The benefit consists in the granting of a non-repayable contribution of up to 50% of eligible expenses and up to a maximum of 10.000 euros.
The initiatives and events must be coherent and enhance the strategic objectives pursued by the Lombardy Region in the fashion and design sectors with reference to the following areas: creation of initiatives and events aimed at students, professionals and fashion and design companies. By way of example, but not limited to, contests, prizes, graduate weeks, fashion and design weeks, fashion shows, exhibitions; creation of events and exhibitions of particular importance outside the regional territory, limited to the valorisation of the excellence of Lombardy design and fashion; creation of initiatives and events for the contamination of the fashion and design sectors with other attractive sectors for the area such as tourism, culture, entertainment, food, shopping, sport; creation of initiatives and events on the topics of sustainability and the fight against counterfeiting of fashion and design products.
The initiatives/events must be exclusively aimed at the fashion and/or design sector and carried out in Lombardy.
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