Milano, the call for 17 extracurricular internships for the organization of the next Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is online

The collaboration between the CRUI Foundation and the Foundation continues Milano Curtain 2026

Milano, the call for 17 extracurricular internships for the organization of the next Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games is online

Foundation Milano Cortina 2026 and CRUI Foundation promote an opportunity for young people to be involved in the organization of the next Winter Olympics and Paralympics: there are in fact 17 extracurricular internships to be carried out at the Milan headquarters of the Olympic Games Organizing Committee Milano Cortina 2026.

New graduates of a three-year, master's or single-cycle degree course of the degree classes indicated in the announcement can take part in the selections and will be able to apply to the link until 17.00pm on 23 February 2024.

The Program aims to consolidate the knowledge and skills acquired during the university career through a direct and concrete experience, on the occasion of the most important event that the our country will host in the coming years.

The internships, which they have a duration of 6 months and which provide an allowance of 850 euros per month, will take place between April and October 2024 in the offices of Milano of the Foundation Milano Cortina 2026. The selected candidates will support the activities characterizing the organizational area where the internship will be carried out, according to the provisions of the training project.

The announcement and the list of participating universities can be downloaded at link


The objective of the Foundation Milano Cortina 2026, in agreement with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP), the Cities of Milano and Cortina d'Ampezzo, the Veneto Region and the Lombardy Region, the autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, is to plan, organize, finance and implement the Olympic and Paralympic Games of Milano Cortina in 2026. Established
on 9 December 2019, the Foundation Milano Cortina 2026 is led by President Giovanni Malagò and CEO Andrea Varnier. The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the largest sporting event in the world, with an unprecedented media impact.

Milano, online il bando per i 17 tirocini extracurriculari per l'organizzazione dei prossimi giochi olimpici e paralimpici invernali

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