Lucignano: off to the National Festival of "The most beautiful villages in Italy"

Fiorello Primi: “Let's make our voice heard”.

Lucignano: off to the National Festival of "The most beautiful villages in Italy".

The opening day of the event took place today in Lucignano XV National Festival de The most beautiful villages in Italy. To the Rosini Theatre the various participating delegations, coming from all over Italy, carried out the accreditation procedures.
At 18pm, in the splendid location of Terrace of Piazza delle Logge, the opening meeting of the Festival, introduced by the greetings of the national president of the association The most beautiful villages in Italy Fiorello Primi and the mayor of Lucignano Roberta Casini.

Festival borghi più belli d'Italia

The President highlighted how they are now 354 associated villages, "more than 130 administrators from the municipalities present, 29 from Tuscany. It is the festival of records, but we need to be concrete in creating a network of solidarity based not only on aesthetic beauty, but also on social beauty, services and quality of life. Another urgent issue to address is the serious issue of depopulation. Issues to be resolved with a national strategic plan for the villages, which looks from now to the next twenty years".

"We feel the honor and responsibility of representing the whole of Tuscany – he said in his opening greeting Roberta Casini, mayor of Lucignano – It is necessary to work as a team so that services are maintained in our territories. Beauty is an important factor for promotion and tourism, but we must work with concrete actions to guarantee an excellent quality of life”. For the "pearl of Valdichiana"The Festival involves a significant organizational effort,"well supported - he added Casini - by the commitment of the municipal machine and by the councilors who worked personally. I wish all the delegates good work and a good stay in Lucignano".

After the opening greetings, immediately into the heart of the events, with a focus of great importance, moderated by the coordinator of The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy in Tuscany Elisabetta Giudrinetti, entitled "The Lucignano Manifesto on sustainability”. Speakers included the Senior experts of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) Giorgio Santini, the Mayor of Loro Ciuffenna Moreno Botti and the person responsible for Renewable Energy of the most beautiful villages in Italy Mauro Guerra.

Festival borghi più belli d'Italia

Giorgio Santini "the lighthouse is the 2030 Agenda, we must and can achieve all the objectives set. Municipalities are the standard bearers of sustainability, which has become a constitutional objective. Italy is on a path of sustainable development that is not simple, which requires a national-level strategy capable of communicating profitably with regions and municipalities".

From direct experience, the mayor of Loro Ciuffenna Moreno Botti believes that “ltrue sustainability is being able to produce less waste, focusing on sustainability certainly does not bring costs. It is a caress for the planet, for present and future generations. The Lucignano Manifesto can make this caress more concrete".

Mauro Guerra, responsible for Renewable Energy of The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy: “On the topic of sustainability, the pace is faster in small villages than in large centres. And they are common who have parried the blow well when costs have increased. But the state and region must get to the big issues, taking inspiration from the small centers that provide concrete and virtuous examples".

The Tuscan coordinator of The Most Beautiful Villages in Italy Elisabetta Giudrinetti"Right here in Lucignano the mayors of the 29 municipalities met about a year ago to sign the 'Lucignano Manifesto', which commits, in 10 very simple points, as a pilot project, to thinking seriously about sustainability. We strongly believe that the future of our villages really depends on this issue".

Also on the terrace of the Logge, the national director of the association The most beautiful villages in Italy Umberto Forte subsequently introduced the director of Acqua San Bernardo Antonio Biella, Giorgio Gatto of Goboservice and the CEO Tivùsat Stefano Luppi.

Festival borghi più belli d'Italia

The appointment is for Saturday 9 September, when starting from 10: 00, Opposite the Collegiate Church, the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani will attend the opening ceremony, with Matteo Biffoni, president of Anci Toscana, Alessandro Polcri, president of the Province of Arezzo, Roberta Casini, mayor of Lucignano, Fiorello Primi, national president of the association I Borghipiù beautiful people of Italy.

You can get the complete program find it here.
The national festival of the most beautiful villages in Italy is organized by the national association of the same name and by the municipality of Lucignano. It enjoys the patronage of The Tuscan Regional Authority, Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), Treccani encyclopedia and Arezzo-Siena Chamber of Commerce.

Festival borghi più belli d'Italia

Participating as main sponsors:
-Wind Three, number one mobile operator in Italy and among the main alternative operators in fixed connectivity, covers the 99,7% of the population in 4G and the 95,9% in 5G with a cutting-edge infrastructure. Furthermore, Wind Tre is committed to the diffusion of ultra-broadband connectivity services based on fiber optics and FWA throughout the national territory. The WINDTRE brand consolidates the company's positioning of values, with welcoming and inclusive technology at its centre. Values ​​also underlined by its communication, focused on closeness and the company purpose of eliminating any distance. The brand for the consumer market is joined by WINDTRE BUSINESS, to support companies and PAs in the challenge of digital transformation.
-Coldiretti -con one and a half million members is the main organization of agricultural entrepreneurs at national and European level. Founded by Paolo Bonomi on 30 October 1944 as a union of small agricultural entrepreneurs, throughout its history, thanks to initiatives in favor of agriculture and its widespread organisation, it has established itself as the main Italian agricultural association.

Festival borghi più belli d'Italia

They collaborate as sponsors:
-San Bernardo water, which represents the perfect union of quality, tradition and elegance. Its source originates in the Maritime Alps, at a height of 1300 m, in a healthy and uncontaminated environment. Known since 1926 for its lightness and excellent organoleptic characteristics, since the 2017s it has also been an expression of Italian design, thanks to its unmistakable Gocce bottle, designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro. The quality of the design goes well with the quality of Acqua S. Bernardo which stands out for its lightness, neutral pH and low presence of sodium, nitrates and nitrites. Since XNUMX, S. Bernardo has been dedicating special Limited Editions to some wonderful Italian corners.After Milano, Tigullio, Cuneo and Alba, the protagonists are Salento and Agrigento, Italian Capital of Culture for the year 2025.
-Italian State Railways, an Italian public company that operates in the railway transport sector, in local public transport, as well as in freight transport, managed by investee companies such as Trenitalia or Mercitalia Rail.
-Confagricoltura, General Confederation of Italian Agriculture is the oldest organization for the protection and representation of agricultural businesses. It is committed to the development of agricultural companies and the primary sector in general, for the benefit of the community, the economy, the environment and the territory. It promotes access to business innovation, the sustainability of agricultural practices and company competition on domestic and international markets.

Technical sponsor: Gobo service, a leading company in Italy and one of the main worldwide in the production of customized gobos and gobo-projectors for architectural projections.

Festival borghi più belli d'Italia

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