Lonato del Garda regional fair, technology and innovation key to competitiveness and defense against agro-piracy
Councilor Beduschi: "Lombardy agri-food is worth 14 billion"
Lonato del Garda regional fair, technology and innovation key to competitiveness and defense against agro-piracy
The Councilor for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry of the Lombardy Region, Alessandro Beduschi, participated today in the conference 'Lombardy agri-food: between protections, opportunities and threats', organized by Coldiretti Brescia on the occasion of the 66th Lonato del Garda regional fair.
“The protection of the agricultural sector – declares Beduschi – is an imperative to preserve our food sovereignty and biodiversity, in Italy and Lombardy, where we can boast the first national agri-food system and among the most relevant at a European level".
In his speech, the councilor recalled that the value of regional agro-industrial production exceeded 14 billion euros, covering a total of 15,3% of the national total. Lombardy is also third in Italy in the so-called 'DOP economy': the 34 DOP and PGI certified products in 2022 reached a value of 2,5 billion euros and the highest growth rate (+14,6%) in the last year.
“The DOP and IGP products – remembers Beduschi – represent a heritage of inestimable cultural and economic value and inevitably attract the attention of unfair competitors, counterfeiters and criminal activities: just think that the business of the so-called agromafias against Made in Italy is valued at almost 25 billion euros".
“New technologies – he continues – can revolutionize the sector, making Lombardy agriculture more efficient and sustainable. The new PSR expects approximately 270 million of resources allocated to corporate productive investments. Furthermore, the DOP and IGP certification is a guarantee of traceability and quality for consumers and for this reason over the next three years we have foreseen 5,5 million to consolidate and relaunch the quality system with promotion and valorisation actions, 30 million in favor of organic producers and 7 million to support i integrated production methods".
“Lombardy – concludes Alessandro Beduschi – has the opportunity to increasingly be a beacon of innovation in the sector, guaranteeing food safety, environmental sustainability and economic prosperity. We therefore need everyone's collaboration to create targeted policies, incentives and investments that support our agri-food system, preserving it for future generations."
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