
Italian book capital 2024, Taurianova among the five finalists

Princi: "Supporting it means entrusting the redemption of an entire region to reading, knowledge and culture"

Calabria, Taurianova Italian capital of the book

“The Calabria Region favors and supports all the impulses of the territory aimed at promoting education, culture and therefore, indirectly, sociality and the positive image of its realities. Therefore, the initiative of the Municipality of Taurianova to apply as the Italian book capital can only see us on the front line supporting this action. And we are proud that it has already passed the Ministry's pre-selections, becoming one of the five finalists. We therefore remain anxiously waiting, hoping that the city, already famous for the flower display, can add another flower to its cap."

Giusi Princi says so, vice-president of the Calabria Region, with responsibility for education and culture, commenting favorably on Taurianova's proposal, which should receive a response from the ministerial commission in a few days.

“What has been achieved so far is already an excellent result, a symptom – highlights Princi – that the project is solid and well rooted in the values ​​that the national event intends. Calabria is synonymous with history and culture. Forever. Tools that we just need to learn to make the most of as a driving force for all-round development. Because achieving such a result also means moving the entire tourist, commercial, and not just socio-cultural sector. Therefore, I congratulate the spirit of initiative shown by the charming town of Taurianova, which has always been very culturally active. This is the right spirit that perfectly embodies the modus operandi of a Region which, with President Roberto Occhiuto, has given a clear change to an overly passive way of doing things. Calabria needs all its best strengths to express its great desire for redemption."

“The hope is that it is indeed Taurianova – concludes vice-president Princi -, from traditionally being the land of great writers, intellectuals and poets, to becoming the Capital of 2024, which would mean entrusting the redemption of an entire Region to knowledge and culture. Moreover, Taurianova has a consolidated history on the subject, started already in 2017 with 'Taurianova Legge' and implemented, as best as possible, up to the present day through a series of cultural initiatives that have always placed the book as the absolute protagonist, as the driving force and key of the change of this important reality of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Reggio and of Calabria as a whole".

Calabria, Taurianova capitale italiana del libro

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