Io Capitano by Matteo Garrone is the film that Italy has designated for the Oscar race for best international film

The director: "I hope it touches the American heart."

Io Capitano by Matteo Garrone is the film that Italy has designated for the Oscar race for best international film.

“We are very proud to be able to represent Italy at the Academy Awards with Io Capitano and we hope that Seydou's journey will also touch the hearts of the American public”. Matteo Garrone said it.

The work that won the Silver Lion for direction at the Venice Film Festival prevailed over 11 other films indicated for the selection on which the commission met today at Anica.

We will have to wait until December 21st for the shortlist. Nominations will be announced on January 23, 2024. The Oscars ceremony will be held in Los Angeles on March 10, 2024.

Io Capitano di Matteo Garrone è il film che l'Italia ha designato per la corsa all'Oscar per il miglior film internazionale.

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