Arezzo: The “Sorvóli” on the hyperconnected world of Franz Rosati
with free access from Wednesday 5 April until Thursday 4 May
Arezzo: The “Sorvóli” on the hyperconnected world of Franz Rosati.
An attempt at an allegorical representation of remote observation, presented in the form of a concert: it is the idea of Franz Rosati, made with “Sorvoli”, the digital art installation that the artist assembles with satellite images, visualizations elaborated using machine learning models and virtual spaces generated by the analysis of information recovered from spacecraft orbiting the Earth, and based on the “Latentscape” and “Distance”.
The “Sorvóli” exhibition will be hosted in the main atrium of the palace in the province of Arezzo, with inauguration on Tuesday 4 April (18.30pm). The exhibition, curated by Giuseppe Simone Modeo, will be held with free access from Wednesday 5 April until Thursday 4 May, with the patronage of the Tuscany Region, Municipality and Province of Arezzo.
The protagonists are the intricate and fascinating shapes of our planet returned by the satellite, representations thanks to which we can obtain complex information, while remaining a selective observatory, in which the beauty of nature and its settlements often hide the shadows of reality.
A multimedia audiovisual journey between images, but immersed in a sound generated by machine learning algorithms trained from personal data sets, like a choir that emerges and urgently communicates everything that selective satellite observation cannot represent.
“Human beings, in the hyperconnected condition of our globalized world, are constantly exposed to inhuman forms of complexity, which manifest themselves through the computational mediation of enormous quantities and types of data,” stated the late artist Salvatore Iaconesi. “Yet none of the dozens of internal and external senses with which our body is equipped have any sensitivity to these quantities and types of data, much less to computation. We find ourselves in the systematic condition of not being able to experience the world and not being able to make sense of it. Climate change, migration, people's health, markets and other phenomena that derive directly from the characteristics of the hyperconnected and globalized world depend on billions of interdependent variables, data, parameters and calculations."
Musician, digital artist and teacher, Franz Rosati finds in digital technologies and customized software the basis for his artistic production, designed to embody different emanations of audiovisual concerts, on-screen installations, software art and printed works of art. For several years he has been exploring a wide spectrum of aesthetic results, from the procedural and generative minimalism of wireframes to real-time 3D renderings, from the creation of autonomous virtual creatures (such as Machine and Structure or Pathline) to the exploration of immanent dystopian landscapes.
The production includes digital art works such as Latentscape, Hyletics, Map of Null, Machine & Structure, exhibited in international events and festivals, in the form of contemplative digital art that can be adapted to large screens and large-format video or LED wall projections. customized, and quoted for galleries and platforms such as NIIO, Framed*, ARTPOINT, Dong Gallery, NEAL Digital Gallery, The OUTPUT, Sedition Art, Mana.
Projects such as Distantia, Latentscape, Map of Null and Machine & Structure have been presented in important festivals and international contexts such as ACT Asian Culture Center, Sonar Barcelona, Les Bains Numerique, ADAF, Ohm Berlin, RomaEuropa Festival, and are present on the most important platforms of curated digital art such as Sedition, Artpoint, Artscloud, NIIO, ReasonedArt, Framed*.
Sound and music are central elements in his work. Quiet, dense and soft when the works are displayed as on-screen installations, impetuous, loud, symphonic and full of pulsating infrasonic bass and layers of granular texture during a concert staging. In all their manifestations, these sounds are always the result of a profound process of transfiguration of acoustic sources coming from the realm of strings and plucked instruments, with particular attention to baroque, classical and popular music.
Expert in the use of programming languages and environments such as C'74 Max and Derivative TouchDesigner, Rosati creates his music and his works of art mainly with personally developed software, where technological experimentation becomes a tool to enhance perceptive emanations of works of art by adding organic layers.
The artist is also a teacher of Multimedia Composition at the Vivaldi Conservatory of Alessandria, of Sound and Media Design at the European Institute of Design in Rome and, in the past, at the UNIRSM and numerous other institutions, schools and universities.
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