Genoa. The "Genova wine festival" returns to Palazzo Ducale: on 4 and 5 May 50 wineries from all over Italy with the wine excellences of Liguria.

On Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May 2024 the Genoa Wine Festival returns to Palazzo Ducale, the event dedicated to the wine of the Genoese organized by the APS Papille Clandestine with the patronage of the Liguria Region and in collaboration with Ascom

Genoa. The "Genova wine festival" returns to Palazzo Ducale: on 4 and 5 May 50 wineries from all over Italy with the wine excellences of Liguria.

On Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 May 2024, the Genoa Wine Festival returns to Palazzo Ducale, the event dedicated to the wine of the Genoese organized by the APS Papille Clandestine with the patronage of the Liguria Region and in collaboration with Ascom. Fifty wineries from all over Italy and 8 food stands will be present in the halls of the Maggior Consiglio and the Minor Consiglio (11am-20pm) for a direct meeting with the winemakers. A unique opportunity to learn about and purchase the wine historically linked to Genoese consumption, the one that ends up on the tables today and the one that will be drunk tomorrow.

Among the novelties of this edition, the great celebration extended to the whole city with the GWF OFF, a calendar of over 20 events including dinners, aperitifs and meetings with the producers, which will enliven wine bars, bars and restaurants in Genoa (and beyond) in the week of the Genoa Wine Festival.

«The event dedicated to Genoese wine and Ligurian production is back - says the vice president of the Liguria Region with responsibility for Agriculture and Territorial Marketing – which is becoming an increasingly awaited moment in the annual program of Genoa events, despite only being in its second edition. The format is a winning one, bringing highly representative wineries and food artisans to the heart of Genoa and focusing on current events, from the 25 years of Valpolcevera Doc up to the great European City of Wine 2024 event which will transform Alto Piemonte and Gran Monferrato into a wine macro-region with to network with. Great emphasis in the laboratories also on Moscatello di Taggia, Prosecco, Nebbiolo, Barbera and Bollicine di Liguria. A territorial event a few days after the success of the Liguria Region at Vinitaly 2024, with growing attention towards our identifying wines and towards companies, increasingly sought after by wine tourists».

«Forever - comments Alessandro Cavo, President of Fipe Confcommercio Genoa – we support initiatives aimed at enhancing the typical features of our territory and creating contamination between the Italian regions. Everything will be further enhanced by the "Fuori Salone" where, within the individual restaurants, combinations will be created with the wineries participating in the event. The importance of including, within our premises, labels that represent our territory constitutes an added value that identifies us and allows us to enhance productions that are rightly defined as "heroic", such as the white Valpolcevera Doc and the of the Cinque Terre. All this becomes a fundamental contribution in building a very high quality offer for tourism too».

«We proudly bring fifty wineries of absolute value to Genoa, placing them in the context of a festival dedicated to wine open to the whole city and Liguria. This event aims to be an opportunity to delve deeper and discuss wine, which is not only a food and wine excellence and an economic heritage for Italy, but a real cultural element that deserves to be valorised also through methods accessible to the public. broader, as in the tradition of our initiatives» says Giulio Nepi, president of the APS papille Clandestine.

The labels being tasted range from Bianco della Valpolcevera, a DOC which turns 25 this year, to the heroic productions of the Cinque Terre; from Moscatello di Taggia to Ormeasco di Pornassio and Rossese di Dolceacqua, up to the beloved Barbera from nearby Piedmont, the wines of Oltrepò, but also Grignolino and Dolcetto. The panorama will range over less nearby regions, such as Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige, up to Puglia, Basilicata and Sardinia. There will be the noble wines of the holidays such as Barolo, Barbaresco, Brunello di Montalcino and Amarone, but also Moscato d'Asti. The list of producers is available on the website

The workshops will take place in the Sala del Camino, free upon reservation: opportunities to learn more about some regional excellences, focus on other productions outside the region, but also a moment of discussion on a topic such as climate change which also closely affects viticulture. Moments of meeting and dialogue, for a passionate and informal approach to wine.

But the GWF does not remain confined between the columns of the Ducale: the GWF OFF has scheduled over 20 events in the city's venues - wine bars, wine bars, restaurants - from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th May. Meeting moments with the producers present, for a party that extends to the whole city.

The Genoa Wine Festival is an event organized by APS Papille Clandestine, which since 2015 has been organizing meetings and initiatives to spread food and wine culture, in Genoa and beyond. The most representative event is the Genova Beer Festival, now in its seventh edition, which takes place in autumn at Villa Bombrini in Genova Cornigliano.

Genova. Torna il "Genova wine festival" a Palazzo Ducale: il 4 e il 5 maggio 50 Cantine da tutt Italia con le eccellenze vitivinicole della Liguria.

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