Folzano: Saturday 21st September the event “Parade for Giada” will be held in memory of Giada Zanola, victim of femicide
In addition to remembering Giada with a smile, the event aims to help keep attention high on the phenomenon of femicide and violence against women in general, also thanks to the presence of the Butterfly Anti-Violence Center and Shelter.
Folzano: Saturday 21 September the event “Parade for Giada” will be held in memory of Giada Zanola, victim of femicide.
The event will be held on Saturday 21st September at 20.30pm in Folzano, in Piazza Don Bettinsoli “Parade for Giada” in memory of Giada Zanola, victim of femicide.
In that same square in June, many people gathered with the family for his funeral and now Maddalena Perucca of “Acconciature Maddy” and Francesca Barbieri of “Capogiro Due”, in collaboration with the Neighborhood Council, They want to give a smile to her loved ones by remembering her with what she loved. Giada, in fact, was passionate about fashion and fashion shows, was endowed with a natural elegance and since 2014 had participated in fashion events organized in the neighborhood.
There will be around twenty boys and girls who will walk the catwalk, presenting the autumn winter collections.
In addition to remembering Giada with a smile, the event aims to help keep attention high on the phenomenon of feminicides and violence against women in general, also thanks to the presence of the Butterfly Anti-Violence Center and Shelters.
TV presenter Chiara Giacomelli will be the host of the evening, during which a commemorative video will be made.
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