
“Christmas in the city 2023” the program of events created by the Municipality of Campobasso

Events from 29 December 2023 to 04 January 2024

“Christmas in the city 2023” is the program of events created by the Municipality of Campobasso

The last days of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 are still full of events for the people of Campobasso, scheduled as part of “Christmas in the City 2023”, the program of events created by the Municipality of Campobasso

Friday 29th (18pm) returns to the scene “What do you KNOW about Christmas?”, curated by ASSeL, at the Santa Claus House set up in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II with the initiative “Dance with us in the square” and “face painting” by the Animatti toy library; other appointments, stella location, with “What do you know about Christmas” Saturday 30th (18pm), this time with "Thoughts and resolutions for the year to come in all the languages ​​of the world" and Sunday 31st (10am) with the creation of gingerbread biscuits and ethnic culinary specialties by the beneficiaries. And always on Saturday 30th (17.30 pm), in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II “Caroselli di Luce – Choreographic rhythmic gymnastics” organized by ASD FisioPro Gym.

The program for the last day of the year also includes the show “Maituincampo”, the traditional appointment with the "maitunate campobassane" curated by Nicola Mastropaolo in the usual setting of Piazzetta Palombo starting from 18 pm; at 23pm, meet in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II to await the arrival of the new year with "New Year's Eve in music".

In 2024 we start again on January 2nd (17.30pm), at the headquarters of the Campobasso Nord District Association, in via Gramsci, with the puppet theatre: “Il Gioco dell'Oca” in the Christmas version, curated by Burattino Malandrino. The same show will be performed again on Wednesday 3 January (17.30pm), this time at the headquarters of the Il Nostro Quartiere San Giovanni Association in via Emilia. Another event scheduled for Wednesday 3rd (17pm) is dedicated to reading with "BiblioLetture NpL - reading meetings for families with children between 0 and 6 years old" organized by Nati per Leggere Molise, which will be held in the "Zarrilli" room ” of the Municipal Library and Media Library.

There are three initiatives on the agenda for Thursday 4 January: at 17pm, at the “Nicola Scarano” Social Center in via Gramsci, “La Befana vien…” will be held, an evening dedicated to children organized by the Campobasso Nord Neighborhood Association; at 17.30 pm, in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, “Caroselli di Luce – Choreographic rhythmic gymnastics” organized by ASD FisioPro Gym, while at 18 pm another appointment with “What do you KNOW about Christmas?”, again in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II, with “Finally” – Grand puppet theater by Angelo Miraglia, curated by ASSel.

Until December 30th, also from 10am to 20pm, it will be possible to visit the personal exhibition of the artist Gino Berardi "From impressionism to abstract-informal", curated by Debora Marchitto, at the Molise Cultura Foundation, while until 7 January (10.30-12.30 and 16.30-19) at the Museum of the Mysteries you can admire Giovanni Teberino's nativity scenes exhibited in the exhibition “800...from Francesco to our days”, curated by the Misteri e Tradizioni Association and until 6 January (10-13 and 16.30-20), at the Circolo Sannitico it is present the nativity scene exhibition held by the Molise nativity scene artists.

Finally, the track is always open until January 6th skating rink installed in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II.

"Natale in città 2023" il cartellone di eventi realizzato dal Comune di Campobasso

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