Chieti: white night of Sport and Commerce, the first edition in the city on Saturday 29th
Administration and organizers: "An event for the community and the territory".
Chieti: white night of Sport and Commerce, the first edition in the city on Saturday 29th.
Engines running for the first night of Sport and Commerce to take place Saturday July 29 from 19pm onwards. Today the presentation of the event shared by the Administration with the Permanent Table of Commerce, the Provincial Coni and Tennis Chieti and organized in concert with Confesercenti, Ascom, Aniac, Confcommercio, Confartigianato, Upa, Claai, as well as with the sports associations operating in the city . The details were illustrated by the deputy mayor and councilor for Events Paolo De Cesare, by the councilor for Sport and Commerce Manuel Pantalone, by Massimiliano Milozzi of the provincial CONI, Ennio Marianetti for the amateur sports association Tennis Chieti, Daniele Giangiulli general director of Confartigianato Chieti -L'Aquila, Marisa Tiberio president of Confcommercio and Marina De Marco of Confesercenti.
“Happy to have put the world of sport and commerce at the same table, to work on an event that we want to consider a viaticum for the candidacy for European City of Sport for 2025. The idea was born from an exchange with CONI and the Tennis Chieti association, then shared with the associations belonging to the Trade Table who immediately joined and seized the opportunity to give the city a special evening with its two active functions, the sporting one and the commercial one. From the synergy, an event is being born that is incredibly self-sustaining, especially for the perimeter: we started from the Corso, adding the Villa and other locations; but also for memberships, to date we have 28 sports federations and at least a thousand very young athletes involved and, finally, for the collateral events, in addition to awards that we will give to the city's sportsmen and women, there will be the presentation of the book on Sergio Marchionne edited by Confartigianato. The shops will remain open, many venues are also taking part, together with a city that will experience an evening dedicated to all the disciplines it hosts. The city will change its look for one night, we will have a tennis court in Piazza Valignani, in Piazza Vico there will be spaces for judo and athletics, at the Villa we will host many other disciplines, including a special subbuteo. It will be the first Sports and Commerce night in Abruzzo, we want to open the doors of the city not only to the people of Teatini, but to the entire territory that plays sports and goes shopping here. I want to thank all the municipal apparatus and the partners who are working together to give voice and substance to this event” said the councilor for Sport and Commerce Manuel Pantalone.
“Chieti has an associational heritage which is a true treasure and represents an important force for the present and future of the city. Thanks to the synergy with the world of commerce and sport, we are able to stage an event that is an attraction for the entire metropolitan area and beyond, because for the first time Chieti becomes a showcase for sporting and commercial activities. These two historical vocations of the city will act as a reminder not only for the resident community, but also for that of the centers close to us. There will be events, large and small, special thanks that we will say to the sporting talents who have brought the colors of the city high with their results and sacrifices and we will liven up the evening with an activity that Chieti has always hosted, even in sensitive and delicate periods like what we are experiencing. We invite citizens and the commercial and sporting sectors to participate, building together the first of what we hope will be a cycle of many events on the topic" said the deputy mayor and councilor for events Paolo De Cesare.
“The White Night of sport and commerce involves the participation of 28 sports disciplines so there was great support from sports federations, associated disciplines and sports clubs, demonstrating the fact that there is a great desire for sport in our city. We have created a beautiful synergy with the Municipality of Chieti and this is essential for the success of the event. We will have awards ceremonies among which the one to Lucio Tavoletta European Judo champion under 18 stands out. Special guests of the event will be Fabrizia d'Ottavio, Emanuele Cavallucci and the tennis player Anastasia Grymalska. At 19 pm a parade of all the participating athletes is scheduled from the Villa Comunale to Corso Marrucino after which the event will begin which will continue until midnight with the participation of around 24 athletes from the various disciplines. As provincial president of Coni Chieti I am very satisfied with having managed to involve so many sports disciplines because in Chieti you will be able to breathe sport to the fullest and, therefore, I invite everyone to participate. Long live sport and above all long live Chieti!!!” Like this Massimiliano Milozzi, of the provincial CONI.
“As a man of sport I am enthusiastic about this event. There is great participation from sports associations and I hope to see the city full of children, sports and activities. It will be wonderful to see sports being played on the Corso, at the Villa, a sporting excitement that will come to life and take shape. This is a source of satisfaction, pride and pleasure and will be a unique evening, created to unite sports associations and also involve the commercial sector. I want to give everyone a sincere good luck because this effort is beautiful, important and must be repeated" he adds Ennio Marianetti of the Tennis Chieti amateur sports association.
“We are pleased to enrich the White Night as a collateral event inside Palazzo de Mayo at 21pm. “What remains of Sergio Marchionne's revolution” is an event wanted by Confartigianato Imprese Chieti L'Aquila, not only to present Tommaso's book of the same name Ebhardt, who will be in the city of Marchionne for the first time. Professor Massimo Pasqualone will introduce the works, but we will also give space to many testimonies from those who knew Sergio Marchionne and can tell unpublished aspects of his character and talent" he declares Daniele Giangiulli of Confartigianato.
“We thank you for your commitment to the city and our sector. It will be an extraordinary evening for Chieti and for the territory. The sport-commerce combination will certainly work, for this to happen we have involved all our fellow traders, inviting them to stay open, public businesses will do their part. Sport transmits values and discipline to us, they are two things of value for citizens and that we will have to propose" he states Marisa Tiberio president of Confcommercio Chieti.
“I'm sure the city will be able to incorporate this input. A real opportunity, which comes from sport, but which is open to all and brings together the efforts that the Administration is making to support the two dimensions and to give the city the opportunity to act to give it space and transform them into an occasion for socialization” he concludes Marina De Marco of Confesercenti.
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