Chieti: the Secret Party returns to the Villa Comunale on Friday 7 July

Free evening of anti-war music and tastings in the Villa Frigerj area. The Administration and the organizers: "A free event for the city with its zero km talents"

Chieti: the Secret Party returns to the Villa Comunale on Friday 7 July.

Is called Secret Party, the House party which will be held on Friday 7 July at the Villa Comunale Chieti in the upper part in front of Villa Frigerj. A free event, sponsored by the Municipality and presented this morning in the Municipality by the mayor Diego Ferrara, with the deputy mayor and councilor for Events Paolo De Cesare, the councilor for Commerce Manuel Pantalone, the municipal councilor Valerio Giannini, Alessandro Cardellicchio, the engine of Tv Shock who organizes the party, the owner of the Pirata RistoKing restaurant who will take care of the tastings. The food and wine event will open at 19pm with tastings of local products and Chiusa Grande wines, starting from 20pm the DJ set will start with Gianluca de Tiberiis and residents Louie Vertigo, Alex Kard, Soul Chapter, Edoardo.

“Entertainment for a just cause, that of raising awareness against war, which convinced us to support the event which we hope many will join – said Mayor Diego Ferrara – We are pleased that through this initiative space is also given to talents from Thea , who have a passion for this genre of music and cultivate it for the enjoyment of the city, associating it with a serious and shared motivation. We welcome all those who bring something more to the city and culture and who will allow greater discovery and usability of the upper part of the Villa".

“We are happy to have supported this event with our means and our possibilities because the recovery is a new season and although it does not allow us to do everything, it gives us the possibility of opening the doors to interesting events, such as the Secret Party . The theme of combating war sees us very close to the organization, we advocate it with music and food and wine which are ingredients of success and we are sure that it can be a harbinger of other events" adds the deputy mayor and councilor Paolo De Cesare.

“It is an initiative that certifies a dense associative activity present in our city, together with a social issue of great importance. The task of an administration is to raise awareness and facilitate, making such initiatives possible, because they combine the typical features of our territories with music. All the characteristics are there for there to be a lot of participation, as the event with the Teatini winemakers in Piazza Malta also demonstrated. Chieti is suited to this format, to which we will give space and voice, because it allows the city's economy to breathe, making it attractive as the data shows" states the councilor Manuel Pantalone.

“It is a pleasure to support the event because as always we believe the associations and entrepreneurs are the real driving force of the city and only by collaborating with them will we be able to demonstrate that Chieti is a vital city. Musical art joins food and wine art with DJ Gianluca De Tiberis and the event will be repeated with other local talents throughout the summer. We therefore hope for a good start" explains the councilor Valerio Giannini.

“Make love not war is an anti-war event born following an event that had the Villa Comunale as the setting, because it is a fantastic place and we like the idea of ​​animating it at night with music and healthy fun. Let's start with our response to the war, the first theme of the four events that will come to life during the season is this, we do it in music, giving space to a series of "zero km" DJs, very valid professionals who have dedicated themselves to this for years passion. They represent one of the qualities of the city, as is also the tasting side, which it will be possible to do: for the food they are entrusted to the Pirata Ristoking of Chieti and for the wines we will have Chiusa Grande. In short, an old school party and we hope it can be a moment of lightheartedness for everyone" he says Alessandro Cardellicchio, engine of the party.

Chieti: venerdì 7 luglio alla Villa Comunale torna il Secret Party

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