Chieti, the municipality joins the SAI refugee reception network
16 October
Chieti, the municipality joins the SAI refugee reception network.
There is also Chieti among the 81 approved projects of the SAI network for the reception of refugees, “Ordinary” category. These are dedicated government resources, which will allow thereception of 2.066 people who find themselves in refugee status, equal to 30.836.651,30 of euros. The green light for the project Common comes with the decree published on the institutional website of the Ministry of the Interior in these days.
"Thanks to our project we will have funds for 826.086,28 euros which will allow us to welcome, host and integrate 55 families – they illustrate Mayor Diego Ferrara andcouncilor for social policies Mara Maretti - among these 25 could be single-parent families. The big news is that in fact the Municipality of Chieti adheres to SAI network (Immigration Reception System) for the first time and the proposal made was immediately approved. A consideration that gives strength to our action to welcome refugees, which in just under a year has quickly become established with the humanitarian corridors for Afghan and Ukrainian refugees, who have already arrived in the city, integrated into school and into social and cultural life. small town. Chieti in fact, it is also the city that managed to adopt a Ukrainian orchestra in May, saving all the musicians and their families from the war and the front and allowing them to continue their musical activities in the artistic residence of our Marrucino theatre. We have already integrated 11 Ukrainian families with Arci, removing everyone from the big hotel. With these premises we participated in the tender, also due to the numerous requests we receive from the territory due to the increase in the number of migrants, especially during the pandemic, and, as mentioned, for the international crisis situations which have seen institutional mobilizations in Italy, as inEurope all. Thanks to ministerial resources, we will work on multiple levels and together with various partners who see us already operating in the various intervention networks active in the city for the benefit of sensitive, indigent and vulnerable subjects, such as: the Chieti Solidale Immigrant Service Center, Third Sector Donna-Hub project for the empowerment of women, the Alpha Cooperative which already manages thethe Anti-Violence Center and the multi-purpose immigrant centre. The area body, the accredited training bodies, the employers' bodies, such as Caritas e Pope John Paul XXIII Community, CPIA Chieti-Pescara, Comprehensive institutes of the territory e Red Cross for specific sector-by-sector actions. The project will provide hospitality, therefore food, accommodation, health and education coverage and training to the 55 beneficiary families, furthermore the adults will be included in specific Italian courses or enrolled in adult education courses, thanks to the synergy with the Local CPIA, just as the minors will be included in local school contexts and included in sports training courses in the city. The project will also promote paths aimed at acquiring the theoretical/practical skills necessary for carrying out specific professions and to this end, professional training courses with regional qualification will be promoted in accredited training institutions in Abruzzo region.
Who will arrive at Chieti, will become an integral part of the city community, because the project also includes socio-cultural animation and educational activities, all carried out in synergy with local third sector bodies involved in the reception sector, aimed at facilitating dialogue between beneficiaries and the community small town. This is because the project wants to build an integrated psycho-social-health protection system for the people welcomed.
Furthermore, women will be protagonists of an integrated reception path that will promote the enhancement of the relational, cultural, working and organizational skills of the beneficiaries. A specific space will be given to women victims of domestic violence since a protection network for them is already active in the area which operates in synergy with the Municipality of Chieti and promotes actions aimed at the protection and support of women, aimed at exiting the circuits of violence, ranging from psychological and psychotherapeutic support, to both relational and legal family mediation, as well as specific healthcare support, access to the multi-ethnic counseling center present in the area, individualized support for any children, as well as family, relational and legal mediation services, if necessaryto ".
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