Chieti, Christmas in music with the Alpine Fanfare at Marrucino on Thursday 22 December
Christmas concert with the “Taurinense” Alpine Brigade Fanfare, Thursday at Marrucino. The mayor and De Cesare: "An event for the city, to bring the music of the Alpine Troops and a story that involves many Abruzzo people".
Chieti, Christmas in music with the Alpine Fanfare at Marrucino on Thursday 22 December.
The Christmas concert of the "Taurinense" Alpine Brigade Fanfare will take place on Thursday 22 December at 18.30 pm at the Marrucino Theatre. The event, sponsored by the Municipality of Chieti, has the aim not only of exchanging greetings and experiencing a moment of conviviality, but above all of helping those in difficulty. The start is set for 16pm, with the Commemoration of the Fallen, at the monument located inside the Villa Comunale, which will be followed by a parade along the main streets of the city centre, in which the Fanfare will perform the traditional carousel. A climbing wall will also be set up in Largo Martiri per la Libertà, made available to adults and children. The concert of the "Taurinense" Fanfare is the last of 30 stages of a tour that touched, in addition to Abruzzo, also Liguria and Piedmont.
“We are pleased to host the Alpine troops and their fanfare – said the mayor Diego Ferrara and the deputy mayor and the councilor for events Paolo De Cesare – because it will be an opportunity to welcome Christmas with a special gift for the city. The “Taurinense” Alpine Brigade is one of the large units of the Italian army, specialized for mountain combat and the 9th Alpine Regiment, in which numerous of our fellow citizens serve, including the commander, Colonel Mario Bozzi, is a heritage of all the people of Abruzzo. The “Taurinense” Fanfare is an ensemble of absolute merit for its musical qualities and the notoriety that accompanies it: we will see it perform in a historical repertoire, made up of military marches, as well as Christmas music and classics, before the characteristic finale represented by the March of the Piedmontese conscripts, followed by the Alpine anthem and the Italian song. I want to invite the whole city to participate in this special day of music and presence and to experience a truly different anticipation of Christmas, in contact with the "Taurinense" Fanfare and its history".
At the end of the evening, at the Marrucino Theatre, the Commander of the 9th Alpine Regiment, Colonel Mario Bozzi, and the President of the ANA Abruzzo Section, Pietro D'Alfonso, will hand over Emilio, President of the AGBE – Association of Parents of Emopathic Children to Achille Di Paolo – the funds raised by the Abruzzo Alpine troops, in arms and otherwise. The black feathers of Abruzzo will thus contribute to actively supporting the association which for years has been working alongside the most vulnerable in the Abruzzo area, sharing with them our best wishes for a peaceful Christmas.
How to get around the city. What does the mobility ordinance provide:
- The establishment of the parking ban with removal in Piazza Umberto I, from 14,00 pm on 21 December to 11,00 am on 23 December 2022, with the exception of the stalls reserved for the State Police and the Civil Protection, in order to allow the assembly operations of the structures and the parking of the vehicles used for the unloading of material, as well as the carrying out of the dismantling operations of the support structures logistics;
- the establishment of a ban on vehicular transit in Via dei Gesuiti and in Piazza Umberto I, with the exception of vehicles of residents, the State Police and the Civil Protection:
- for 21 December 2022, from 14,00 pm to 18,00 pm, during set-up operations;
from 18,00 pm on 22 December to 11,00 am on 23 December 2022, during preparations and up to dismantling operations;
- the temporary suspension of vehicular traffic, for 22 December 2022, between 16,00 pm and 17,30 pm, during the fanfare parade from the Villa Comunale along Viale IV Novembre, Piazza Trento e Trieste, Corso Marrucino and Piazza Valignani up to the Marrucino Theater, for the time strictly necessary for its passage.
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