Chieti: With “My Best Friend” dogs and vulnerable subjects are at the center of an unprecedented inclusive project

The Administration and partners: "In Chieti we experience a unique contact that benefits people and animals"

Chieti: With “My Best Friend” dogs and vulnerable subjects are at the center of an unprecedented inclusive project.

Is called "My best friend" la special and unprecedented experimentation that unites the Municipality of Chieti, Department for the Protection of the Animal World, the social promotion association “La Cura del Tempo” and the ASADA Onlus association which conducted the activities. The The project is aimed at promoting and carrying out activities aimed at active participation in the social and cultural life of the community of people with neurodegenerative diseases, through employment-type activities within the “Achille Boncontro” Shelter Kennel managed by Asada volunteers. The details of the project were illustrated to the mayor by the councilor for the protection of the animal world, Fabio Stella and by representatives of the associations involved.

"The Municipality of Chieti has proven to be a necessary bridge for the meeting between the two associative realities, through the personal commitment of Councilor Fabio Stella - said Mayor Diego Ferrara – who acted as a bridge between these associations, opening the doors of the kennel also to this sensitive and beautiful experimentation which sees us as the first in Abruzzo to have combined these realities which give support to our community on a daily basis".

“The support of associations is essential to diversify services and guarantee their constant efficiency, especially with regard to people in a state of fragility – so Fabio Stella – For us it is a great satisfaction to network with virtuous organizations that carry out primary utility services for the common good of the entire community and to do so through our kennel which is already the recipient of interaction and inclusion projects with other subjects and city and community associations. territory. The one with The cure of time and these special patients is completely new: it is important, because it is good for all the parties directly involved, that is, the patients who have cognitive deficiencies or dementia, the animals hosted in the kennel who enjoy this special and unique contact and, indirectly, also the caregivers who leave their loved ones in excellent hands".

L’Amministrazione e i partner: “A Chieti si sperimenta un contatto unico che giova a persone e animali”

"The objective is to build and implement a cooperation program between associations involved in solidarity and socio-health welfare, aimed at creating social opportunities aimed at individuals in particular conditions of neurocognitive fragility - says Dario Maggipinto, president of the La Cura del Tempo association – For us it is beautiful and important to carry out and carry forward this project, because through the proposed activities, people with neurodegenerative pathologies are offered an opportunity for socialisation, cognitive and affective stimulation, through specific occupational therapy activities based on the bond that is established with the dogs and with the care provided and received, and with the volunteers of both associations".

"The pandemic has created fertile ground for the social isolation of people, especially in the elderly and in people with more serious pathologies such as neurodegenerative ones – claims Lisa Maccarone, psychologist and expert in Neuropsychology, project manager for the La Cura del Tempo association – The project aims to bring these people back to socialization and a sense of usefulness, which has been lost due to the pandemic itself with a series of nine meetings. Cognitive stimulation therefore becomes a useful tool to keep the brain in training, both in people with neurodegenerative pathologies and in people who have experienced a period of cognitive, sensory and emotional deprivation, as has happened in recent years".

"The collaboration born with the 'La Cura del Tempo' association represents a further step in the growth path that Asada carries out for the promotion and protection of animal rights and at the same time opening up to the social inclusion of people living in particular situations difficulty - concludes Margara Romano of the association – We do many projects, with schools and with prisoners who also do rehabilitation activities and, every time, those who come into contact with the kennel and the animals are enthusiastic. Our task is not only to host, but also to rehabilitate the animals in the structure, so that they can be adopted and today it is one of the main activities. Today there are around 200 dogs in the facility, many of them are up for adoption, there is a continuous turnover, for the project we worked on dogs that seemed challenging but in this context they behaved very well, taking advantage of exceptional care and being caressed and brushed and pampered by these people they derived significant well-being".

"It is a meeting between the least and the least that benefits the animals themselves – thus the president of Asada, Danilo Ciancaglini – especially the less socialized have had the opportunity to be cared for even more through longer time and meeting with those who experience these particular pathologies".

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