Chieti, plaques for the most beautiful shop windows delivered by the mayor
An initiative to strengthen the city's commercial and tourism sector
Chieti, plaques for the most beautiful shop windows delivered by the mayor.
The plaques for the most beautiful shop windows were delivered this morning by theMunicipal administration, Department of Commerce in synergy with the trade associations that have decreed, together with Sector, the winners. To the first place was ranked theHair style studio Roman frame di Chieti Scalo; second for the shop I'll say it again and third position the laundry Bloomest. Delivery was made to City Palace mayor Diego Ferrara,assessor at Commerce Manuel Pantalone, the representatives of Confcommercio, CNA e Confesercenti Marisa Tiberio, Letizia Castile e Marina De Marco.
“The city's commercial sector responded in an impressive way – said the mayor Diego Ferrara and the councilor for commerce Manuel Pantalone – so much so that together with the trade associations we promised to propose the contest again in Easter. We count a lot on the collaboration of commercial operators, which we want to support with all our strength, because, together with the services, they are an effective business card not only for those who live and work in the city, but also for those who choose it for tourism or shopping. , which is happening more and more. The city is busier than in previous years, it is experiencing a new beginning from a tourist and cultural point of view, our accommodation facilities were full even during the Christmas period and we are working to improve accessibility, we have already started two important interventions which will lead to the historic center and to Chieti Scalo well 500 new parking spaces serving the area. Positive feedback has also arrived from the activities, confirming this liveliness: compared to a receipt with an average value lower than previous years, dictated by the economic situation and the consumption possibilities of families, the numbers are positive on the quantity front and also on new services, including continuous hours and Sunday openings which capture a very often new user segment, creating the natural shopping center on which we want to focus. We find a great desire for collaboration on the part of traders, for our part we are doing everything possible to facilitate bureaucracy and dialogue with operators and in fact in these two years of administration there are dozens of new activities, held mainly by young people. Which gives us hope for the future, because the commercial function of the city must grow, produce jobs and development at all levels."
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