Benevento: "Let's dress in...", a parade at the 'Tanga' Auditorium in the name of the fight against gender violence

'Rivestiamoci di...', the fashion show presenting the first production of creative sewing and recycling created by women who rebelled against violence, will be held tomorrow at 18pm, at the Spina Verde 'Alfredo Tanga' Auditorium in Benevento. of gender.

Benevento: “Let's dress in…”, a parade at the 'Tanga' Auditorium in the name of the fight against gender violence.

It will be held tomorrow at 18 pm, at the Spina Verde 'Alfredo Tanga' Auditorium in Benevento, 'Let's get dressed in…', the fashion show presenting the first production of creative sewing and recycling created by women who rebelled against gender violence who for the occasion will be models of the same clothes they produced.

After the introduction of Maria Fanzo president of the cooperative society 'Nuovi Incontri', the director of Citizen Services of the Municipality of Benevento and coordinator of Area B1 will speak Gennaro Santamaria, the councilor for social policies and the fight against violence against women Carmen Coppola, while the conclusions will be entrusted to the mayor of Benevento Clement Mastella.
The initiative was promoted by Violab which is a creative sewing and recycling laboratory born in December 2022 to offer women who are in the Anti-Violence network circuit a space for rebirth.
The project came to fruition thanks to the financing of Area B1 which intercepted the regional resources relating to the 'Fund for policies relating to rights and equal opportunities'.
It was subsequently Area B1 that presented a project to strengthen the "Viola" shelter for abused women, the only one present in the area and managed by the social cooperative Nuovi Incontri.

The project envisages the setting up and activation of a protected laboratory, where women can undertake a work education course, in particular with training courses and training techniques in the making of clothes and tailoring products. The tailoring workshop which concludes with tomorrow's 'Rivestiamoci' event is part of the initiatives that Area B1, of which the Municipality of Benevento is the lead body, promotes to combat all forms of gender violence.

Benevento: "Rivestiamoci di...", una sfilata all'Auditorium 'Tanga' nel nome della lotta alla violenza di genere.

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