“Benevento Cardio-protetta”: the project on defibrillators presented in different areas of the city
Life-saving practices characterize the day.
“Benevento Cardio-protetta”: the project on defibrillators presented in different areas of the city.
Benevento, it was the mayor Clement Mastella, at the points of Mercy and of Italian Red Cross, the first to try his hand at life-saving practices which characterized the launch day of 'Benevento Cardio-protected'.
First in conference at Paul V Palace, il Mayor he had explained that the "statistics speak for themselves, there are tens of thousands – both young and old – of people who suddenly find themselves having to deal with heart attacks. If there is any chance of saving human lives, all possible avenues must be tried. The defibrillators, which are currently six but we aim to increase them next year, are an exceptionally useful tool: no one has to thank the administration, we have implemented a project that responds perfectly to the reasons that drive us to public commitment".
He had previously been the delegated councilor for health policies Luca De Lipsis to illustrate the details of Benevento Cardio-Protetta: “The real protagonists are these devices, the semi-automatic defibrillators. My appeal, as a doctor even before a politician, is that many learn to use it: the greatest good, human life, is protected. This is the first step: Blsd (Basic life support defibrillation) and Pblsd (Pediatric basic life support defibrillation) training courses will then be activated to raise citizens' awareness of first aid activities. We have identified six city areas for the first installations: Corso Garibaldi (Prefecture area), Capodimonte (San Giuseppe Moscati church area), Libertà district (former San Modesto 1 school building in via Firenze, with a logistical change compared to the previous communication which spoke of Spina Verde), Madonna della Salute (former school building), San Vitale (former school building), Masseria Olivola”he concluded De Lipsis.
During the presentation the interventions of the representatives of the co-promoting bodies: Ciriaco Pedicini (director of 118, representing the general director Gennaro Volpe), Angelo Iacoviello (Misericordia Benevento), Giovanni De Michele (Italian Red Cross-Benevento) and remotely by Marco Squicciarini (doctor, coordinator of Blsd training activities of the Ministry of Health). The head of the Mayor's Cabinet and director of the Municipality Gennaro Santamaria illustrated the administrative activity that allowed the political direction of the administration to materialize.
Then I intervened representatives of Orders and associations that are partners of the project: Order of Doctors and Dentists, Order of Nursing Professions, Federfarma, Rotary Club of Benevento, Host Lions Club of Benevento, Traiano Lions Club of Benevento and Relaxation and Rehabilitation Centre.
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