Arezzo: Ten days of theatre, culture and food and wine under the Montagnano sky
From 28 June to 8 July non-stop shows as part of the European popular theater award "Il Giogo"
Arezzo: Ten days of theatre, culture and food and wine under the Montagnano sky.
From June 28th to July 8th, the European Award di popular theatre "The Yoke” – arrived this year at his XXXII edition – returns to animate the small town in Valdichiana with a busy calendar of events and great guests.
Ben seven dialect popular theater companies from all Italy they will take turns on stage in Piazza della Chiesa, in a real 'marathon' of shows. preview of the exhibition is dedicated to the most small, Wednesday June 28, with "The Gioghino".
Then we leave Thursday June 29 with the Troupe 'The Ship of Fools' of Arezzo; they will follow the Theater Association 'The Voices Inside' of Assisi, thereBellizzi Company' of Salerno, thereThe Ring Company' of Farmhouse, 'Li Bindoli' of Porto S. Stefano, thereIl Carro Theater Company' of corciano and, on Wednesday 5 July, it will be the turn of the 'Accidental Actors Company' of Florence for a week of non-stop shows.
While the grand finale and entrusted to two unmissable evenings. The first, Friday July 7, when to perform on stage Church square It will be there troupe "The Yoke"of Montagnano new show "Gideon” directed by Roberto Arrigucci. There second, Saturday July 8, when during the traditional gala evening “Dinner under the stars" they will come assigned the various technical awards and the winning company of the review will come premiata with the coveted award “The Yoke".
They will also be the prestigious awards were presented "Silver Yoke" and the journalism award "The friends of Caterbo and Francesca Mattioli".
Guests of the evening of Saturday July 8 will be the journalist and Rai Valdarno correspondent Giammarco Sicuro – recently engaged on the war front in Ukraine, the internationally renowned Arezzo baritone Mario Cassi and the journalist and writer Filippo Anastasi.
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