Arezzo, the 9th AIA Champions Cup begins: from 16 to 18 June the challenge between 12 sections from all over Italy

The AIA Champions Cup is back, a tournament reserved for football referees from all over Italy, who for three days become five-a-side football athletes and compete until the last goal to become the AIA Italian Champions.

Arezzo, the 9th AIA Champions Cup begins: from 16 to 18 June the challenge between 12 sections from all over Italy.

This year, with the 9th edition of the AIA Champions Cup, a record attendance is expected: over 300 members from the sections of Albano Laziale (reigning champions), Bologna, Collegno, Fermo, Frosinone, Gradisca d'Isonzo , Mantua, Milano, Nichelino, Reggio Calabria, Trieste, Udine who will arrive in Arezzo to spend three days dedicated to sport and more. In fact, in addition to having the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of our city with a guided tour scheduled for Saturday 17th, the whistle friends will, as is now tradition, participate in the Giostra del Saracino and will be welcomed and greeted by the city during a gala dinner "under the stars” which will be held on Friday 16 June in the Town Hall square.

The challenges will be played in the camsmore than the Arezzo Football Academy and the Occhi Verdi club. Sport, entertainment, but also solidarity: part of the proceeds from the tournament registration will be donated to the Arezzo AIL "Federico Luzzi onlus".

As usual, during the press conference sthe initial pairings of the three groups were drawn: GROUP A Frosinone, Trieste, Gradisca, Mantua; GROUP B Milano, Bologna, Fermo, Albano Laziale; GROUP C Collegno, Nichelino, Reggio Calabria, Udine.

For the Municipal Administration, councilor Alessandro Casi was present at the draw and brought greetings from sports councilor Federico Scapecchi and congratulated the organisers. “In the next few days, many guests will arrive in Arezzo from all over Italy thanks to the commitment that the AIA section of Arezzo has been putting in for years in this important initiative that combines sport with the promotion of the city and also with solidarity. I sincerely thank the organizers in particular for having managed to affirm and give continuity to an event that is increasingly successful every year", commented Casi.

A message also came from councilor Scapecchi: “the AIA Champions Cup is a project financed by the tender from the councilorship for youth policies, sports and young people. Congratulations for an initiative that combines three days of field meetings with the tourist enhancement of the city."

“An event that is growing, which is liked by the referees and also liked by the city which welcomes it with enthusiasm – commented the president of the Arezzo referees section Sauro Cerofolini -. This year too the competing teams represent the geography of the entire country: we are very committed to its realization and we are very happy with the response we have from the referees of Italy. Thanks to the Municipality of Arezzo and to the many sponsors and supporters who allow us to organize this event".

The event has the patronage and contribution of the Municipality of Arezzo and the support of the Arezzo Intour Foundation, ATAM spa, LFI, Nuove Acque, Aisa, AVIS Arezzo.

Arezzo, al via la 9ª Coppa dei Campioni AIA: dal 16 al 18 giugno la sfida tra 12 sezioni provenienti da tutta Italia

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