Arezzo, the second edition of the Memorial dedicated to Paolo Rossi presented
The tournament in honor of "Pablito" was presented by the president and vice-president of the Regional Council Antonio Mazzeo and Marco Casucci at the press conference in Montevarchi (AR).
Arezzo, the second edition of the Memorial dedicated to Paolo Rossi presented.
The second edition of the Memorial dedicated to Paolo Rossi is truly upon us. The event, which this year doubles in size, featuring two groups of 4 teams each, will see two cities in the Arezzo area, Bucine and Montevarchi, as the theatre.
“I am grateful to the Accademia Italia Paolo Rossi, which organized the second Paolo Rossi Memorial, for promoting this significant football event, dedicated to the memory of the unforgettable Italian goalscorer. The tournament, which will be held in Bucine and Montevarchi, includes the presence of eight youth teams, in some way linked to the figure of the great Italian footballer" commented Antonio Mazzeo, president of the Tuscany Regional Council, who continues: “An edition that will involve over 200 young people from various parts of Italy, who will thus have the opportunity to compete fairly in the field. I am certain, in fact, that the event will take place under the banner of maximum fair play between the protagonists, who I hope will be able to achieve important results over the years, both in the sporting and personal spheres. Rightly, the Tuscany Region has given its patronage to the event, just as patronage has been given by the Municipalities of Montevarchi and Bucine, by the Province of Arezzo, by FIFA, by the FIGC and by CONI, and I am sure that the laudable commitment made from the Accademia Italia Paolo Rossi, will be amply rewarded by the full success of this appreciated Memorial”.
The vice president of the Legislative Assembly also expressed satisfaction Marco Casucci which speaks of Paolo Rossi as a "great Tuscan" extolling his sporting and moral virtues.
“It is a great honor for us to welcome the official opening in Montevarchi – he states Silvia Chiassai Martini, mayor of Montevarchi – to whom the territory and the institutions were particularly linked from a human point of view, as well as naturally from his being a football legend. Our city has had the honor over the years of organizing many initiatives dedicated to him, we remember the exhibition in Palazzo del Podestà on the memorabilia and memories of his extraordinary sporting career, the evening of the "Fair play Menarini" with the unforgettable duet with Zico which brought to mind the historic Italy-Brazil clash of 1982, a match entered into the "Hall of fame" of world football, but also his availability with the students to whom he communicated the importance of the healthy values of sport even in daily life, until our convinced adhesion as municipal administration to the Paolo Rossi Foundation to carry out social projects, in particular aimed at young people in our area. It was therefore natural for us to make the Brilli Peri stadium available to host this important youth tournament, so that Paolo Rossi's star and Federica Cappelletti's virtuous commitment can continue to be points of reference for our territory".
Alessandro Polcri, president of the Province of Arezzo, expressed his opinion on the Event: “We are happy to sponsor an important initiative like the Paolo Memorial Rossi who, in addition to celebrating his figure as a sportsman, as a world champion known in everywhere, celebrates the man who decided to live here with his family, bonding inextricably linked to our territory".
“It is with great pride that we prepare, for the second consecutive year, to ad host this sporting initiative with multiple and important meanings – he states Nicola Benini, mayor of Bucine – On the one hand there are the values that the event intends vehicle and on the other the celebration of Paolo Rossi, a sportsman, world champion, who has had a particular bond with our territory, leaving an indelible mark on the community, for his humanity and for the initiatives taken, and continues to have it with his presence of his family. Our Administration to strengthen the strong bond with Paolo and the his family joined the Paolo Rossi Foundation."
The 8 youth teams, half professional and half amateur, have all a common denominator: representing a piece of Paolo Rossi's life. In addition to Under 15 teams of Juventus, LR Vicenza, Perugia and Milan, the clubs they represent indelible stages of Paolo's career in professional football, the Coiano Santa Lucia Prato Social Club, team from the city that gave birth to Pablito and with where he kicked a ball for the first time. There will also be the San Michele Cattolica Virtus di Florence, the team that brought Pablito to the attention of Juventus in his youth. The team of Bucine and Aquila Montevarchi will complete the list of contenders for the tournament which represent the places where Paolo lived for years together with his family after retirement from playing football.
Like last year, the Memorial will be organized byPaolo Rossi Italian Academy, With patronage of the two Tuscan municipalities, Bucine and Montevarchi, which will host the matches Province of Arezzo, the Tuscany Region, CONI, FIGC and FIFA.
This edition will see over 200 kids involved. A start at least promising for such a "young" event, which sets itself the goal for the next ones years to expand even further, winking at the opening to an all-in-one edition female and some foreign teams. This is also thanks to Paolo's wife, Federica Cappelletti, who just recently took over the leadership of the Serie A Division professional women, in addition to his role as President of the Paolo Rossi Foundation.
“These are all wonderful objectives, to always be pursued in the name of fair play and inclusion and respect, values that our Pablito has always carried forward. Looking at the present, we are proud to have created such a beautiful event in just two years. A beauty that involves many aspects, starting from the value of this territory that Paolo he loved it so much that he chose it as his home and refuge, away from the limelight. But not Alone. The word that I feel like sharing with all of you here is enthusiasm.” These the words of Federica Cappelletti, who continues “Why the enthusiasm I always find it when I talk about Paolo. I find it in the immediate adhesion of the participating teams, in the people who do their utmost to help us make this tournament happen. I find it in people who I meet on the street and they ask me about the Memorial. And this enthusiasm regardless from the technical aspect and the competition. It is a light that spreads from Paul. Who has it known cannot forget his smile, his affable ways, his simplicity and his way of to be. Those who didn't know him still have memories of the champion, the striker of World Cup of '82, with the face of a good boy and eyes that smile. And this enthusiasm it is the best way to remember Paolo and carry forward his values. I'm grateful to everyone, institutions and sponsors in particular, for the fundamental support without the that organizing the Memorial would not be possible."
Among the main sponsors of the event is Banca Valdarno, with the president Gianfranco Donato who thus expressed their support for the event “Paolo Rossi has always been synonymous with World Cup. His face and his goals are indelibly engraved in the memory of every Italian. A legacy handed down to new generations, always at search for models to inspire us. Paolo Rossi had chosen to live in our area. A discreet and respectful presence that contributed to further embellishing that Valdarno where as a Bank we have been operating for over a hundred years, spreading the principles of credit mutuality, supporting local communities and various initiatives to promote the territory. This is why we immediately accepted the invitation to support the Paolo Rossi Memorial which brings together young footballers from all over Italy in Valdarno to spread the values of sport in memory of Paul".
The Daniele Gualdani, sole director of LEM Industries SpA another main sponsor of the Memorial, thus underlined his support for the Memorial “We firmly believe in the enormous relevance that these initiatives have for the territory and for the community. Honoring the memory of Paolo Rossi, undisputed symbol for this valley, in football and for Italy is a privilege. We wish to be part of this prestigious event which, without Without a doubt, it will leave a positive impact on our young athletes and future generations.”
“We are happy to be alongside the Accademia Italia Paolo Rossi. Not just for the friendship that binds us to this great champion, but also by the sharing of values that he has always shared with us united” – he states Massimo Mercati, CEO of Aboca, an Italian healthcare company that deals with health care with 100 percent natural and biodegradable products which this year will be among the main sponsors of the Memorial – “The world of sport is one of the areas in which from a young age it is possible to experience complex relationships, in which the value of the team cannot be reduced to the sum of the individuals. And just as no one plays for themselves on the pitch, the well-being of each of us also depends on the relationship with others and with the environment around us. These are principles that have always inspired us and that we are honored to be able to share in this important initiative."
“We have supported the Memorial named after the champion, the athlete, the man Paolo Rossi since its first edition because we share the spirit and values he wants to convey” – he declares Fabrizio Bernini president Zucchetti Centro Sistemi SpA, gold sponsor of the event – “A sign of friendship and closeness towards the family who has chosen to live in our area and to organize a sporting event here reserved for the new generations who represent our future. Attention to young people and support for the Territory are in fact two pillars on which the company's development and growth strategy is based".
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