Arezzo: the European Day of Languages is back
The Day aims to stimulate the learning of further languages throughout life.
Arezzo: the European Day of Languages is back.
Return to Arezzo “European Day of Languages”. The Day, which will be held on September 26th, was established by Council of Europe in 2001 and aims to stimulate the learning of additional languages throughout life, to develop plurilingual skills, to enrich intercultural skills and to draw attention to the rich linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe. The day will open at 9.15 in Room 1 Women's building on the Pionta university campus (viale Cittadini 33).
This year's initiative is dedicated to fight against racism and discrimination. The first guest of the morning will be the illustrator and cartoonist Takoua Ben Mohamed, author of the graphic novel “My best friend is a fascist” (Rizzoli), with a speech entitled “Drawing racism".
The speech will follow Antonio Magistrale, sinologist and co-founder of the blog ABCin, who will present the volume “Street Chinese”: the 'dark' side of the Chinese language” (Orientalia Editrice).
The project will be illustrated below CIRCE (Counteracting accent dIscrimination pRactiCes in Education), financed byErasmus+ National Agency and dedicated to the study of accent and the phenomenon of sonic racism. The presentation will be by the research group ofUniversity of Siena, Department of Philology e Criticism of ancient literature and modern headquarters in Arezzo and the National Research Council – CNR of Pisa.
During the morning the second edition of the “TradUNI” translation competition, aimed at male and female students of cclasses IV and V of high schools. The competition involves the translation of a text from Italian into one of the six languages studied during the degree course, namely Chinese, French, English, Russian, Spanish and German. The winners will be awarded prizes at the event Translation Day which will be held between April and May next year and will have the opportunity to be hosted for two days in the city of Arezzo.
Finally, a space will be dedicated to illustrating the new possibility offered by the degree course in Languages for intercultural and business communication which is held in Arezzo, to obtain a double qualification jointly with the Chinese university of Wenzhou.
Information on the initiative, organized in collaboration with the University's Europe Direct office, are published online on the page
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