Arezzo: Contexts, practices and resources of multimodal communication

The XXIII edition of the international congress of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA) is in Arezzo.

Arezzo: Contexts, practices and resources of multimodal communication.

It will take place between 24 and the 26 may at Pionta university campus, in Arezzo, the XXIII edition of the international congress of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA).

The event will be attended by scholars from throughout Italy and from numerous European countries, who will present talks and posters on theme of "Contexts, practices and resources of multimodal communication".

I contributions they will wander from multimodality in face-to-face interaction to multimodal aspects of language learning, from the role of multimodal resources in managing complex communication needs, such as communication deficits and language disorders, to computer-mediated communication.

Arezzo: Contesti, pratiche e risorse della comunicazione multimodale

Prominent guests of the congress will be: Simona Pekarek Doehler, of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), who will give a talk on multimodality and interactional competence in second language learning e Henk van den Heuvel, from Radboud University (the Netherlands), which will exhibit a report on the tools available for archiving sensitive data within the CLARIN network, the European linguistic resources infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences.

As part of the conference there will be a privacy workshop e Research aimed at scholars in training. The workshop, hosted by Henk van den Heuvel, aims to provide practical guidance on how to carry out collection activities, data sharing and storage compliant with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The event is organized by AItLA, from the Department of Philology and Criticism of Ancient and Modern Literature (DFCLAM) of the University of Siena and CLARIN.

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