Arezzo Autumn against gender violence: a month of women's events to raise awareness

From November 17 to December 15, Arezzo hosts a series of initiatives to raise awareness of violence against women, with exhibitions, concerts and shows.

Arezzo Autumn against gender violence: a month of women's events to raise awareness.

The national premiere of the show starring Rossella Brescia as Carmen and the review of events “The pink thread. Art paths for women” will enliven not only November 25th but an entire month dedicated to the fight against gender violence. All this, in collaboration with the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation and Officine della cultura.

"Raising awareness among citizens on a topic so dramatically at the centre of the news - he stressed Councillor Giovanna Carlettini - It is an important activity and it is for this reason that the Department of Equal Opportunities has given Arezzo a rich and exciting panorama of events. We want people to reflect on the feminicides that occur repeatedly and on the moment that often precedes them: they are in fact consumed after an extreme and definitive betrayal towards women, with men who pass off 'the last meeting' as a request for clarification or even reconciliation while they already have a clear idea of ​​the purpose they are aiming for".

It starts on Sunday 17 November at 16pm with the inauguration of Valentina Formisano's personal exhibition at the Eden multi-hall cinema in via Guadagnoli, the first stop on the "pink thread"... woven. Rewill be open until Sunday 15 December with free admission. After that it is a crescendo of concerts, readings, shows and great artists.

The event around which everything revolves will obviously be Monday 25th November at 21pm, as usual at the Teatro Petrarca, with the revival of an immortal classic, revisited in its finale in a modern and engaging way. The show, entitled “Carmen – The Last Encounter”, which has also received the patronage of Amnesty International, focuses on the fourth act of the famous opera and on the fateful appointment for the protagonist, as it unfortunately is for many women who agree to see an ex-partner again.

Specifically, it is a musical reading freely inspired by the masterpiece by Georges Bizet with Rossella Brescia as narrator and dancer, accompanied by the dancer Amilcar Moret, the mezzo-soprano Mariangela Zito, the pianist Andrea Tobia, the cellist Alessandro De Felice, and the voice of Francesco Montanari in the role of Don José. Finally, Agatha Fuoco will play the role of little Carmen.

"We are in presence - he added the director of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation Lorenzo Cinatti - to a full-fledged review that has as its ultimate goal widespread awareness and sensitization. I also believe that if, thanks to an office like that of equal opportunities, additional proposals arrive with respect to the canonical prose season, the public benefits positively. The more you offer, the more a movement grows".

Autunno aretino contro la violenza di genere: un mese di eventi al femminile per sensibilizzare

Roberta di Mario, pianist, composer and artistic director will perform at the Teatro Pietro Aretino Tuesday 26 November from 21pm with the show “Ala: elegia in tre atti” and again the theatre in via Bicchieraia will host on Monday 2 December at 21pm the concert/reading “Storie della buonanotte per bambine ribelli” with the multiethnic Orchestra of Arezzo in the female version and Elena Ferri and on Friday 13 December at 21 pm Ebbanesis in concert, the duo composed of Viviana Cangiano on vocals and Serena Pisa on vocals and guitar.

"In 'The Pink Thread' - declares Massimo Ferri, President of the Cultural Workshops - the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women becomes for us the celebration of women's creativity and talent through music and art, following the principle that nothing is what it seems, as represented by the exhibition of Valentina Formisano, the guiding thread of the event. Without giving up on emphasizing the importance of art as a formative and educational tool, capable of promoting values ​​of inclusion, respect and personal growth. We are also pleased to present as part of the event an unprecedented multi-ethnic Orchestra of Arezzo, entirely female, formed specifically for this precious meeting opportunity".

"Finally, I would like to emphasize - he concludes Carlettini - on the award ceremony that will take place on November 25th from 9,30:2.0 at the Petrarca Theater for the middle school students who joined the call 'Noi@voi 8 – gender violence', released last March XNUMXth. There were many participating kids as well as many beautiful, sensitive and original works presented in each category contemplated. The external commission that had to evaluate them found it quite difficult to identify the winners".

The morning will be enlivened by musical interludes from the group Going to Samoa who will accompany the reading of the texts with covers of contemporary songs. presented by the students for the category “Creative writing essays” and which will be given voice by the young actress from Arezzo Elena Ferri.

The shows are all free and you only need a placeholder ticket. It can be collected from Wednesday 13 November from 17,30:19,30 pm to 13:18,30 pm at the Teatro Petrarca and then every Wednesday in the same time slot. Online from XNUMX November but from XNUMX:XNUMX pm on

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