“Arezzo Science Lab” with Massimo Cacciari and Aldo Cazzullo
February guests
“Arezzo Science Lab” with Massimo Cacciari and Aldo Cazzullo
After the biologist Carl Safina and the neuroscientist Giorgio Vallortigara, Massimo Cacciari and Aldo Cazzullo will be the February guests of Arezzo Science Lab, the science festival organized by the Lab association with the patronage and support of the Municipality of Arezzo and the collaboration of the Guido d'Arezzo Foundation, the “Città di Arezzo” Library and the Arezzo Intour Foundation.
Sunday 4 February at 17pm at the Petrarca Theatre, Massimo Cacciari will present his latest book "Metafisica Concreta" with which the philosopher concludes his theoretical trilogy begun twenty years ago by questioning what the place of metaphysics is in the time in which knowledge seems to identify itself with the effective knowledge of technical knowledge -scientific.
Saturday 24 February at 21pm at Caurum Hall Guido d'Arezzo (Auditorium Arezzo Fiere e Congressi) will be the turn of Aldo Cazzullo and his "When we were the masters of the world", in which the author reconstructs the myth of Rome, the characters and the stories, the ideas and the signs through a story full of details and curiosities, within the reach of the educated but also the simply curious reader. We will then talk about gravitational waves, water and environmental sciences, stories of medicine, and astrophysics with the next guests of the festival: on 2 March the research director of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics Michele Punturo, on 6 April the engineer and hydrologist Andrea Rinaldo, on 13 April the journalist Silvia Bencivelli, on 4 May the physicist of the European Space Agency Paolo Ferri.
“Prestigious guests to talk about major themes, from science, to philosophy, to history, for the second edition of a festival which contributes to broadening the range of events on offer, confirming a lively city and a well-prepared public, and which it denies the idea of a city that reserves success only for commercial or gastronomic initiatives. An important initiative to which the Administration has convincingly given its support", declared the councilor Federico Scapecchi.
“With this edition, Arezzo Science Lab confirms itself as an event capable of positioning itself among the major Italian events in the scientific field as well as an important cultural attraction for the city, an important event that the Foundation willingly decided to support”, commented the director of the Foundation Guido d'Arezzo Lorenzo Cinatti.
“Not just science, with February's guests different but equally stimulating topics will be addressed, certainly appealing to an audience that I am sure will give them a great welcome”, said the president of the Alessandro Artini Library.
“Thanks to the institutions, partners and sponsors who made the creation of this second edition of the festival possible: on the calendar, eight great personalities who will accompany us until May on our journey into science” he said Gabriele Grazi of the Lab Association.
Among the partners of Arezzo Science Lab also the Region of Tuscany and the Province of Arezzo. Sponsors: TCA, Caffè River, Banca di Anghiari e Stia, Centro Chirurgico Toscano, Marino fa Mercato, Grafiche Badiali, Unicoop.
For information and reservations: leggiarezzo@gmail.com . Tickets on the Discover Arezzo website.
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