Ancona, the Municipality joins the National Day for civilian victims of wars and conflicts. Great importance placed on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
The Calamo Fountain will be lit up in blue
Ancona, the Municipality joins the National Day for civilian victims of wars and conflicts. Great importance placed on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The Municipality of Ancona adheres to the "National Day of Civilian Victims of Wars and Conflicts in the World” which falls on February 1st of each year to preserve the memory of past conflicts and to draw attention to the drama experienced by civilians all over the world involved in wars and armed conflicts. To draw citizens' attention to this tragically current issue, next Thursday evening will come the Calamo Fountain lit up in blue.
This year's Day takes on a particular significance due to the dramatic international context: in the last year there have been over 33.000* civilian victims involved in the 31* ongoing conflicts around the world. A number of victims that had not been so high since 2010, strongly influenced by the continuation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"We collected with conviction – declares the councilor for social services Manuela Caucci- the invitation of the National Association of Civilian Victims of War (ANVCG) and the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) to join the "Stop bombing civilians" campaign, lighting up the Calamo Fountain in blue on the evening of February 1st as appeal to the community and the international community to ensure that international conventions, treaties and declarations, which already exist for the protection of civilians, are extended, implemented and respected. The Geneva Convention and Additional Protocols, the Ottawa Treaty on the Ban of Anti-Personnel Mines, the UN Convention on Cluster Munitions, the United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, only for cite the main ones. We invite all citizens to explore the theme of the Day and more generally of civilian victims of war through the site and the Association's social channels”.
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