Ancona: spills into the sea, the final project to eliminate them has been presented.
Meeting this morning in the Municipality of Ancona to illustrate Vivaservizi's design solutions to the administrators of Ancona and Falconara.
Ancona: spills into the sea, the final project to eliminate them has been presented.
Spills at sea, the final project presented to eliminate them. Meeting this morning in the Municipality of Ancona to illustrate Vivaservizi's design solutions to the administrators of Ancona and Falconara.
Un investment of 18 million euros and work for two years in Ancona and three lots of intervention in Falconara for a total of 45 million euros. This is the plan developed by Vivaservizi to address the problem of spills at sea, presented this morning to the Municipality of Ancona with the Participation of the mayor of the Municipality of Falconara, Stefania Signorini who arrived with the deputy mayor Valentina Barchiesi, of the Mayor of Ancona, Daniele Silvetti, of the Councilor with delegation to integrated water resources and the relationship with Vivaservizi Manuela Caucci, with the general director of Vivaservizi, Moreno Clementi as well as all the technicians involved, for the presentation of the analysis study of the sewerage network of the Municipalities of Ancona and Falconara Marittima in relation to the problems of discharges into the sea, intervention on the Manarini and Palombina ditches and construction of first rain basins in the Palombina Nuova area in the Municipality of Ancona.
A Falconara, however, the construction of a large pipeline along the beach is planned, from Villanova to via Caprera (23 million investment) and two large pipes parallel to the current tanks near the border with Ancona (4 million). The solution was identified after a series of discussions with residents and beach operators.
The intervention for the new Palombina area concerns the construction of two lamination tanks with water pre-treatment.
THEintervention, which will be completed in 720 days, will cost approximately 18 million euros and will begin at the end of the entire authorization procedure by the relevant bodies. On this point, to facilitate the procedures and encourage the bodies involved, the mayors of the two cities have expressed their intention to implement a synergistic action to speed up the timing.
"This intervention will improve not only the life of the neighborhood but also the job prospects of the operators – underlines the mayor of Ancona, Daniel Silvetti -. The first step will be a specific action on the authorizing bodies, with a common understanding between Ancona and Falconara, both for the structural and promotional aspects, with good administrative practice between the two highly collaborative administrations".
"I am really very satisfied with this project which is taking shape in an increasingly effective manner – explains the mayor of Falconara, Stefania Signorini -. So great spirit of collaboration with the administration of Ancona with whom we have been working side by side for some time on this strategic project for our territory. United we will work so that, as soon as possible, VivaServizi obtains all the authorizations and can proceed with the procurement of the works".
“Once the authorizations have been obtained for Ancona, the works will take place for two consecutive years, while for Falconara we will proceed in batches to try to have as little impact as possible on the beach operators given that work will be done on the beach – explains the general director of Vivaservizi, Moreno Clementi –. The projects identified represent cutting-edge solutions, which tend to minimize the impacts on economic operators and citizens, but above all they are effective solutions, certainly capable of restore full usability of the beaches of Palombina and Falconara to the citizens of Falconara and Ancona and to tourists. I have seen great determination from the administrations, in particular the mayors, in having these projects carried out and now is the time to summarize because we are in the phase in which the planning must obtain authorizations from all the bodies involved in the procedure. The hope is that a team will be formed to allow the project to be carried out in acceptable terms and therefore to finally remove the inconveniences for citizens that they have had to suffer for some time now in the summer".
“We are finally reaching the resolution of an age-old issue – concludes the councilor with responsibility for integrated water resources and the relationship with Vivaservizi Manuela Caucci -. The Municipality of Ancona will play its role and inform citizens with a public meeting next year, showing the process of the works and the methods of intervention which act in a concrete way by improving our environmental quality".
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