Alessandria, a meeting on good practices for living the area safely.

Coldiretti Alessandria in collaboration with the Carabinieri has created a handbook

Alessandria, a meeting on good practices for living the area safely.


The appeal launched by the Captain of the Carabinieri Company of Tortona Domenico Lavigna, in front of the agricultural entrepreneurs who crowded the Multimedia room of the provincial headquarters of Coldiretti during the Pensioners' Assembly, was clear. The meeting was an opportunity to present the handbook of good practices created by the Carabinieri in collaboration with Coldiretti Alessandria.

An informative moment that involved the entire territory of the province of Alessandria, entitled "Safe Campaign", which has now become familiar, arousing the great interest of the many people who attended who thanked for the advice and indications provided to avoid falling victim to scams and thefts.

“These are – as Captain Domenico Lavigna reiterated – unscrupulous criminals who resort to tricks and deceptions of all kinds to mislead unsuspecting victims in order to obtain unfair profits. They pretend to be members of the police force, doctors, lawyers, insurers or other, they ask for money by telephone for family members who they say are in difficulty or they simulate the danger of imminent gas leaks or, even, the delivery of fake postal parcels commissioned by relatives to have huge sums delivered."

But not only that, they break into companies, often perhaps located in isolated places, and steal agricultural vehicles, causing double damage: in addition to the economic damage, in fact, there is the fact that they are stealing something that is priceless, "our sacrifice". , that is, the difficulties faced in purchasing those tractors that allow work in the fields and therefore the harvest.

“As Carabinieri Command we wanted to title these meetings 'Safe Campaign' to underline the commitment of the Carabinieri to safeguarding the security of a very beautiful territory which however can be the victim of episodes of theft, scams and scams – stated Captain Domenico The vineyard -. Ever more cunning, criminals are constantly inventing new tricks to deceive people, especially the elderly. The news reports news like this, unfortunately, constantly increasing throughout the Italian territory and also in the province of Alessandria. For this reason we are involved in organizing information moments aimed at citizens, especially the elderly but also implementing prevention activities in schools. Many times, in fact, fraud, in addition to the economic damage it entails, also represents a real reason for psychological decline with the real danger that the victims may withdraw into themselves, compromising their autonomy and socialization".

The topics on the agenda underlined the importance of meetings like this since reports of disappearances of equipment, materials, plant protection products, machinery, tractors and vans, necessary to carry on the company activity, are not uncommon.

Money and jewellery, diesel, agricultural machinery and field products are the recurring types of theft in agriculture, "to combat them we need a change of mentality and approach to the phenomenon and immediate reporting in the event of inspections carried out by unknown people. I would like to underline that connecting your alarm system to the emergency number 112 is absolutely free and allows the police to act more quickly and effectively", continued Captain Lavigna.

During the meeting, experiences were compared and useful information was provided to avoid incidents of widespread crime.

“Thefts in the countryside are a phenomenon that tends to amplify where the conditions of isolation make it easier to carry out the attacks – underlined the President of Coldiretti Alessandria Mauro Bianco in thanking the Carabinieri and Captain Lavigna for their professionalism and demonstrated availability –. Farmers are often victims of all kinds of theft, from animals to agricultural products, from equipment to machinery. A phenomenon that aggravates the crisis situation in which the sector finds itself. You should also keep in mind that many entrepreneurs do not live in the immediate vicinity of their companies. For this reason it is necessary to work to overcome the situation of loneliness, reversing the trend towards the dismantling of social structures and security forces present in the area also with the help of new technologies".

“These information meetings represent an important opportunity to talk to the elderly, and not only that, to illustrate the ways in which scams are implemented and to provide them with targeted advice so that they can defend themselves from the devious techniques used by criminals. Often these are real organized expeditions, where thieves go without fail, taking away in a few minutes, even in broad daylight, materials and equipment whose lack causes great damage to the company, especially if it is medium or small in size. . We must not lower our guard against these phenomena that put small entrepreneurs in difficulty. Information meetings like these, organized in synergy with the Carabinieri, are fundamental", concluded the Director of Coldiretti Alessandria Roberto Bianco.

Alessandria, un incontro sulle buone prassi per vivere il territorio in sicurezza.

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