81st Venice Film Festival: the Veneto Region-Veneto Film Commission space has been inaugurated. It will host 7 events until September 70th.
“The Veneto Region is a protagonist in the 81. Venice Film Festival with its own space dedicated to all the activities for the world of cinema and audiovisual that are born in the regional territory. Veneto invests more and more in this sector, through the Veneto Film Commission, through funds dedicated to productions made in the territory such as fiction, films, documentaries. It is a region that It has all the features to be an ideal set for all productions thanks to the variety of naturalistic scenarios, the professional ability of our workers, the culture spread in all our villages and in all our cities. For us it is an important objective on which we have allocated resources for 30 million euros in the last two programming periods relating to European structural funds, thus aiming to make the territory grow from the point of view of employment, and at the same time creating value from the promotional point of view by making known lesser-known parts and excellences of our region”.
The regional councilor for Culture, Cristiano Corazzari, presents the space of the Veneto Region-Veneto Film Commission at the 81st Venice Film Festival, a space that until September 7 will host over 70 events giving voice to the territory.
The synergy between different actors, including institutional ones, active in the territory, alongside local companies in the sector is the hope launched on the occasion of the event "Enterprises and artisan value and film Commission for the development of the territory” curated by Confartigianato Cinema Audiovisivo, a new section of Confartigianato, and Confartigianato Imprese Veneto. “In recent years, as a Region, we have worked to make Veneto attractive, creating the ideal conditions for the growth of the cinema and audiovisual sector – says councilor Corazzari-. It was an important and complex work that allowed Veneto to recover ground compared to other regions. For us this is the starting point, We are pleased with the enthusiasm shown by the trade associations in the sector, the hope is to continue a fruitful collaboration to consolidate the results achieved in the sector, the road is still long but we are convinced that this is a sector in which to invest to grow our businesses, our workforce, our production and our territory".
From craftsmanship to culture. In the year of celebrations of the centenary of the death of Eleonora Duse, a space was dedicated to the documentary film “Asolo, a home for Eleonora” created by the Municipality of Asolo and the Archaeological Superintendency of Venice, Belluno, Padua and Treviso, with the narration of Ottavia Piccolo, who retraces the bond between the actress and Asolo. “A short distance from Venice, in the heart of Veneto, – theThe regional councillor for tourism Federico Caner intervenes– Asolo is a charming fortified city rich in history, art and culture, nature trails, cycle paths and food and wine delicacies. An example of that Land Of Venice that we as a Region are actively promoting to encourage quality tourism, not mass tourism, attentive to sustainability. Audiovisual productions like this are a very important business card to promote the countless facets of the beauty of our territory in the world.” “The docu-film dedicated to Eleonora Duse – adds Caner – in addition to its great historical and cultural value, it has the great merit of being born directly from the territory, thanks to the resourcefulness and dedication of the collaborators of the Civic Museum of the city, who in synergy with the Municipal Administration and the Superintendency they were able to recreate through sounds and images the love relationship between the figure of the famous actress and the Asolo village”.
We talked about violence against women, with the documentary film “Children of Femicide” curated by Walls of Dolls with the founder of the association and artist Jo Squillo and the president and journalist Francesca Carollo. “Violence against women is a theme on which the Veneto Region is committed with determination – says the regional councilor for Culture Cristiano Corazzari– It is a crucial theme, also cultural, on which attention must be kept high. I thank Wall of Dolls for this event that grows year after year, a precious event to relaunch the message of the importance of a healthy relationship between men and women”.
And we talked about sports with the presentation of the documentary “Ladakh High Altitude” by Bike and Adventure Team Sas, the story of the feat of the State Police marathon runner, Paolo Venturini, the attempt to set a record for running on the highest road pass in the world, the Khardung at 5.602 meters above sea level in the Ladakh region of India. The regional space hosted the greeting of the police commissioner of Venice, Gaetano Bonaccorso and the prefect of Venice, Darco Darco Pellos.
Among today's events, thepresentation of the project Corti in Azione! By the Municipality of Venice - VEZ Service Venice Library Network, the works created by the students of DAMS of Padua in the 33rd Laboratory for the creation of documentaries and the presentation of Beauty Storytellers, a film education project for schools curated by the CombinAzioni Association. Finally, we talked about publishing with the new series “Fotogrammi e Storia” curated by the publishing house Il Poligrafo and the University of Padua.
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