Terracina: Carabinieri report 42-year-old for refusing to take tests and threatening a public official.

A man involved in a car accident in Priverno refused alcohol and drug tests, threatening the Carabinieri. His license was withdrawn and his car was impounded.

Terracina: Carabinieri report 42-year-old for refusing to take tests and threatening a public official.

I Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Unit of the Terracina Company (LT) they have reported, at liberty, a man of Moroccan nationality 42 years, resident in Sabaudia (LT) and already known to the police. The charges against him are of refusal to undergo testing for possible alcohol intoxication and drug use, As well as of threats to public officials.

Specifically, the suspect was involved, late yesterday evening, in a autonomous road accident occurred in Priverno (LT). At the request of the Carabinieri who intervened on site, he refused to undergo tests aimed at determining the possible use of alcohol or narcotic substances.

During the identification phase, the man went into a rage, uttering offensive phrases and threatening the military present.

The Carabinieri proceeded to driving license withdrawal of the suspect. The car, rendered non-driving by the accident, was entrusted to a judicial custodian.

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