Latina, violent individuals and dangerous conduct in sports. Two new DASPO issued by the Police Chief
The State Police, as part of its activities to combat dangerous and violent conduct committed during sporting events, has issued two DASpo orders
Latina, violent individuals and dangerous conduct in sports. Two new DASPO issued by the Police Chief
The State Police of Latina, within the framework of the activities to combat dangerous and violent conduct committed during sporting events and to prevent individuals potentially dangerous to public order and safety, issued two DASpo provisions.
In the field of prevention of possible violent conduct by potentially dangerous individuals who have already committed serious crimes, issued a DASpo “out of context” against a 53-year-old from Latina.
Introduced by the Security Decree bis, the measure represents a particularly effective tool as it broadens the prerogatives of the Public Security Authority, allowing the Police Chief to adopt an “atypical” preventive measure against those individuals who, although they have not engaged in violent conduct in sporting contexts, on the basis of a probabilistic judgement deriving from the commission of other crimes, precisely “out of context”, could be the perpetrators.
An advance on the intervention threshold, which therefore allows to limit the frequentation of environments at high risk of disorder by subjects potentially dangerous for public order and safety.
The measure affected a subject already convicted of crimes such as brawling, private violence and drug trafficking, the latter crime for which he received a definitive sentence of three years, still being served.
Precisely because of the danger of his potential presence in sports contexts and the new legislation that allows his submission, the Police Chief issued a three-year “Out of Context” access ban against him.
To underline the hard line of the State Police towards behaviors that are dangerous for public order and safety, another DASpo was then issued against a 48-year-old from Gaeta, vice president of a soccer team competing in lower competitions.
During a match of his team, a few minutes before the kick-off, the man had headed towards the area dedicated to the away fans and started to provoke and instigate those present. The conduct provoked the immediate reaction of the opposing fans who attempted to climb over the dividing fences, an attempt thwarted only by the rapid intervention of the State Police personnel employed in the public order service.
The dangerousness of the attitude shown, combined with the specific precedents of the man, who had already been the recipient of a DASpo in the past, allowed the Police Chief to adopt the further prohibition measure, this time for a period of 5 years, a measure that the Police Chief adopted with particular urgency, also due to the position held by the man and which would have brought him to the football fields in the weeks immediately following the events with potential danger to safety.
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