Latina: Carabinieri execute precautionary measure for officials and entrepreneurs.

Investigation into ABC Latina: three officials suspended and four entrepreneurs banned from contracting with the Public Administration for 12 months.

Latina: Carabinieri execute precautionary measure for officials and entrepreneurs.

At the disposal of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of LatinaIn the provinces of Latina, Frosinone, Potenza and Modena, Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Latina, supported by the territorially competent Commands of the Arma, carried out a personal precautionary interdiction measure, issued by the GIP of the Court of Latina.

The measure concerns:

  • Three officials of the Company for Common Goods of Latina (ABC), one of whom is no longer in office, suspended from the exercise of a public office or service;
  • Four entrepreneurs, recipients of the temporary ban on contracting with the Public Administration.

Both bans will have a duration of 12 monthsAll the defendants are considered, to varying degrees, presumed responsible for:

  • Disturbed freedom of enchantments,
  • Disturbed freedom of the contractor selection process,
  • Corruption for an act contrary to official duties,
  • Corruption of a person in charge of a public service,
  • Fraud in public supplies.

The measure arises from an investigation coordinated by the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Latina and conducted by Investigative Unit of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Latina between February 2021 and March 2022. The investigative activity made it possible to document conduct that is believed to have influenced the progress of some administrative proceedings of ABC.

According to what has been reconstructed, they have been arranged specially prepared tenders to facilitate the awarding of tenders to a restricted circle of entrepreneurs, in exchange for personal benefits as a corrupt consideration.

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