Fondi: the Police Commissioner issues an oral warning to a local young man

The boy, already under investigation for receiving stolen goods in 2021 and for personal injury the following year, crimes committed with the aggravating circumstance of gender discrimination.

Fondi (Latina): the Police Chief issues an oral warning to a local youth.

The police officers of the Fondi Police Station notified a local youth, born in '97, of the Oral Warning issued against him by the Police Chief of Latina.

In the context of targeted police investigations on socially dangerous people, this young man from Fondano particularly stood out, as a subject prone to crime and who had demonstrated a particular and alarming capacity to commit crimes.

The boy, already under investigation for receiving stolen goods in 2021 and for personal injuries the following year, crimes committed with the aggravating circumstance of gender discrimination, was also reported about a month ago for the crime of attempted extortion, a crime prevented thanks to timely intervention of the staff of the Flying Squad and the Judicial Squad of the Fondi Commissariat.

The commission of the crimes and the young man's association with local criminals therefore led the police station officers to submit to the Police Commissioner the proposal for an oral warning, a personal prevention measure with which the Police Commissioner immediately invites him to change his conduct, respecting the laws in force.

Fondi: il Questore emette un avviso orale nei confronti di un giovane del posto.

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