Fondi: expulsion from the family home against a man, born in 70 for mistreatment towards his elderly uncle living with him
The measure was necessary because the subject, in a state of habitual drunkenness, used to mistreat his elderly uncle who lived with him, even threatening him with death.
Fondi: expulsion from the family home of a man, born in 70 for mistreatment of his elderly uncle living with him.
In recent days, the State Police of Fondi has carried out the precautionary measure of the Order of application of the measure of removal from the family home and prohibition of approaching the injured party, issued by the GIP of Latina, against a man from Fondi, born in '70.
The measure was necessary because the subject, in a state of habitual drunkenness, used to mistreat his elderly uncle who lived with him, even threatening him with death, subjecting him to beatings through slaps, kicks, headbutts and punches, causing him personal injuries.
On one occasion, with a headbutt, he caused him a facial trauma with a fracture of the nasal bones.
Such systematic physical and psychological mistreatment caused the victim suffering, deprivation and humiliation incompatible with normal conditions of existence, establishing a climate of terror within the family structure from which a total state of psychological subjection arose.
Thanks to the investigations carried out by the Police, the evidentiary elements necessary for the existence of serious indications of guilt against the suspect were gathered, who had maintained this hostile conduct towards his relative for 4 years, within the common family home.
On this basis, the Judge believed that the conditions existed for the application of the aforementioned measures, deemed suitable for safeguarding the protection needs of the injured party.
The suspect, who will have to face trial for the alleged crimes, will not be able to return to the house in the meantime and will have to keep his distance from the victim, not being able to contact her in any way.
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