Fondi, attacks and threatens first a wedding and then a social worker: double arrest for a 34 year old

Yesterday, a 34-year-old foreign citizen was the protagonist of a long series of violent episodes. He injured a child, threatened and attacked the participants of a wedding and later a social worker. The man had already been arrested for violent behavior.

Fondi (Latina), attacks and threatens first at a wedding then a social worker: double arrest for a 34-year-old

The policemen of the Fondi police station, have 34-year-old foreign citizen arrested, regulated in the territory, who in recent days had been responsible for several violent episodes.

In particular last May 29th the man had been arrested by the Fondi police, who intervened following a report of the operations room at the local employment centre, where man, behind the pretense of an occupation, had attacked the staff, breaking the plexiglass separation glass that separates the operator from the public with his fist and injuring the employee's hand.

On that occasion he had been taken to the Commissariat Offices where it was ascertained that he had already been arrested in November 2023 for resistance and injuries to a public official and reported at the beginning of May, because alleged perpetrator of the same crime towards personnel of the Local Police of Fondi and the State Police.

The stranger, Moreover, he was the recipient of the prevention measure of the ban on return to Fondi, following a provision issued by the Latina Police Headquarters last December.

Having evaluated the facts and its supposed social danger, he was therefore arrested.

During the validation, the measure of the residence ban in the Municipality of Fondi was ordered against him, but in the yesterday the foreigner was again responsible for violent acts.

Behind the demand for money, he would in fact have attacked a group of people intent on celebrate a promise of marriage, among whom there were also some children, one of whom was reportedly hit in the head by the stranger who then, before riding away on a bicycle, threatened those present by saying that he was going to get a gun to shoot everyone.

Having collected further testimonies, the police have another episode that occurred shortly before was also documented, when the man allegedly verbally attacked a social worker with the extortion demand of an exorbitant sum of money, threatening him with death.

In light of the elements collected, the man was thus arrested again by the Fondi police, as he was held responsible for attempted extortion and violence against a public official.

Having evaluated the facts, the Judicial Authority has arranged the aggravation of the first precautionary measure issued, disposing the precautionary measure of custody in prison, where the man was taken and where he is awaiting the decisions of the Judicial Authority with reference to the second arrest.Fondi, aggredisce e minaccia prima ad un matrimonio e in seguito un'assistente sociale: doppio arresto per un 34enne

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