Imperia: Carabinieri campaign against scams targeting frail or elderly people

Be wary of appearances, be careful when opening the door to strangers, don't get distracted, limit your confidence on the Internet and on the phone, and don't trust your identification badge alone: ​​it's not enough!

Imperia: Carabinieri campaign against scams targeting frail or elderly people

Le scams They are a very widespread phenomenon and mainly target people frail or elderly, leaving indelible marks on them. In addition to the danno economic and psychological trauma of the invasion of their space, the victims also suffer, in fact, the guilt of having been defrauded. Fraudsters take advantage of the emotional sensitivity and physical fragility of the elderly to gain their trust, with the most disparate methods.

The Carabinieri, historically at the service of the citizen, remembers that it is able to provide timely assistance and resources thanks to the widespread presence of Carabinieri Stations throughout the territory to which you can turn, or by requesting their intervention by calling 112 NUE or, again, by consulting the website “”, which illustrates the main types of scams and how to recognize them.

The techniques adopted by scammers, in fact, however underhanded and imaginative, have recurring patterns and identifying them is the first step to defending yourself.

Finally, the absolute protagonists of the social reassurance mission of the Arma are the Carabinieri Stations, which live in the communities representing ever-present and reliable points of reference.

And this is why the Station Commanders:

  • they hold training meetings in places of worship, at municipal offices and care/recreational facilities for the elderly;
  • maintain contact with the directors of credit institutions and post offices, to share information on suspicious cases;
  • develop collaborations with local media and institutions to raise public awareness.

To avoid falling into these scams, it is often sufficient to take some precautions.

Don't trust appearances and follow the advice summarized below.


A phone call from a fake member of the police force or a fake lawyer makes the victim believe that one of their relatives has been involved in a traffic accident or that he was arrestedThe victim is asked to pay a sum of money as compensation for providing medical or legal assistance to the loved one in difficulty. If the person being scammed accepts, the caller informs them that an assistant or a plainclothes Carabiniere will shortly be at the home to collect the cash.


  • Beware of appearances
  • Never open the door to strangers
  • Don't trust the identification card alone: ​​it's not enough!
  • Remember that the Police never ask for money to assist citizens


Scammers call the victim on the phone, starting the conversation with trick phrases like “Guess who's talking!" or "Auntie, do you remember me?”. In this way they try to catch the name of a relative or an acquaintance. Pretending to be this person, they say they urgently need money for serious reasons, but who are unable to come and collect the money. If the victim accepts, the caller informs them that a friend will come to the house shortly to collect the money or invites the victim to make a transfer to their account.


  • Beware of appearances
  • Never open the door to strangers
  • Don't trust the identification card alone: ​​it's not enough!
  • Limit your confidence on the phone: in the case of people who introduce themselves as relatives and ask you for money, take your time and call the single emergency number 112 or a relative


The scammer shows up at the victim's house pretending to be representative of a service provider company (water, electricity or gas), informing the victim of new and more advantageous contractual conditions. With this stratagem, the criminal gains the victim's trust to collect the data collected, subsequently used to open new contracts in his name but without his consent.


  • Beware of appearances
  • Never open the door to strangers
  • Don't trust the identification card alone: ​​it's not enough!
  • Contact your utility company at the phone numbers on your bills (do not call any phone numbers provided by the stranger at the door)
  • Don't sign anything and always ask for advice from trusted, more experienced people

Imperia: campagna dei Carabinieri contro le truffe ai danni di persone fragili o anziane

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