Bordighera. The emergency room of the Saint-Charles hospital reopens.

The Emergency Room in Bordighera will reopen on the night of Tuesday 30th to replace the First Aid Point.

Bordighera. The emergency room of the Saint-Charles hospital reopens.

The Emergency Room in Bordighera will reopen on the night of Tuesday 30th, as required by the contract, replacing the First Aid Point. From the next few hours it will therefore be possible to take care of medical and surgical emergencies; traumatological activities will be managed, for the next two or three weeks, with the support of the Sanremo Emergency Department.

"The opening of the Saint Charles emergency room – says the President of the Liguria Region – it is a promise kept and marks a new fundamental step linked to the completion of the offer of the regional healthcare system in the ASL1 territory. That of Bordighera is also an innovative model, with which a public hospital is managed by an accredited private operator, also ensuring an emergency emergency system which is added to operating rooms, diagnostic clinics, latest generation instruments, so as to guarantee citizens an effective and efficient healthcare response to their health needs".

"The transformation from a first aid point to an emergency room – adds the Liguria Region Health Councillor – is a further step towards strengthening the emergency network in the far western Liguria and is part of the already very good response of the hospitals in Sanremo and Imperia. Naturally, this facility will be of great importance not only for residents, but also for the many tourists who reach the western Liguria and, in fact, considerably increase the actual population of this territory".

Bordighera. Riapre il Pronto Soccorso dell'ospedale Saint-Charles.

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