Grosseto. The Carabinieri Forestali of the province of Grosseto engaged in controls on off-road traffic for the protection of the landscape.
These checks are aimed at preventing motor vehicles from traveling through areas not suitable for such use, with a view to protecting the environment.
Grosseto. The Carabinieri Forestali of the province of Grosseto engaged in controls on off-road traffic for the protection of the landscape.
In the first 4 months of the year, the Carabinieri of the Grosseto Forestry Department have carried out over 100 checks on off-road traffic, identifying approximately 40 people and the same number of motor vehicles, simultaneously raising 29 administrative violations to the Regional Law for a total amount of approximately 6 thousand euros. These controls are aimed at preventing motor vehicles from traveling through areas not suitable for such use, with a view to protecting the environment, in particular the flora and fauna and therefore the landscape and habitats.
Even more so in the province of Grosseto, an area with a high agricultural-forestry-pastoral vocation, rich in protected areas subject to landscape and hydrogeological constraints.
In the first months of 2024, the Maremma Carabinieri Forestry Units concentrated in particular on the areas of the coastal pine forests but also on the mountainous areas, affected by the ban on off-road traffic. The off-road traffic sector is included in the Convention stipulated between the Carabinieri and the Tuscany Region: a protocol by virtue of which the surveillance and protection of areas of particular naturalistic value, often affected by indiscriminate traffic of motor vehicles, is further strengthened.
There is also a regional law to protect this sector, n. 48/1994 and subsequent updates, which contains prohibitions and sanctions regarding off-road circulation of motor vehicles. Specifically, the prohibition for anyone to circulate with motorized vehicles outside the "roads", defined in the Highway Code, with only emergency vehicles, fire prevention vehicles and police forces being excluded from the prohibitions etc. ..
The administrative sanction establishes an amount ranging from a minimum of 154 euros to a maximum of 516 euros. The prohibitions and sanctions may be different in the case of areas falling within, for example, National Parks.
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