Levelled: new helicopter rescue area inaugurated, Liguria's sites rise to 52.
In Livellato, a hamlet of Ceranesi, a new base for helicopter rescue operations operating day and night has been inaugurated. Councilor Nicolò: “A service that is increasingly rapid and widespread”.
Levelled: new helicopter rescue area inaugurated, Liguria's sites rise to 52.
It was inaugurated on Friday evening in Leveled, fraction in the municipality of Ceranesi, the new landing area for the service Day and night helicopter rescue. With that of Livellato, I am 52 landing sites throughout Liguria, while in 2024 were 1.115 technical-health interventions carried out, between primary and secondary (from hospital to hospital), thanks to the service of the 118. Two other areas, a Veppo and Car nello La Spezia, are in the pipeline and will be ready in the next few months.
“Thanks to this new base – explains the Health Councillor Massimo Nicolò – it will be possible to offer an increasingly more capillary, reach our major hospitals more quickly and provide the certainty of an even more effective intervention timely. In this way the time-dependent pathologies will be even more protected, with the helicopter rescue service that has been provided in recent years totally revolutionized the current emergency system, effectively breaking down obstacles of timing and space”.
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