Genoa: the State Police together with the Polfer and the Crime Prevention Unit have intensified controls in the Prè neighborhood

State Police. Anti-crime controls in the Prè neighborhood of Genoa have been strengthened.

Genoa: the State Police together with the Polfer and the Crime Prevention Unit have intensified controls in the Prè neighborhood.

The anti-crime services arranged by the Police Commissioner have been strengthened, aimed at prevention and repression of predatory crimes, to combat drug crimes and the conduct of violent youth groups, also in response to complaints presented by individual citizens, committees and businesses.

In particular, yesterday afternoon and until the evening, beaten the alleys of Prè, up to Principe station.

The agents of the Prè police station operated, together with the Liguria Crime Prevention Department and the Polfer Operations Department of Genova Principe. The assistance of the Anti-Drug Canine Units was invaluable.

The checks affected the area between Piazza Inferiore del Roso - Piazza Vittime di Tutti le Mafie - Piazza Metelino - Piazza di Santa Fede, as well as Via Prè up to Vico Largo and Via Gramsci.

In the aforementioned street, some criminals who were hanging around the final stretch of via Prè near problematic commercial establishments were identified and removed. In particular, a market and a bar were inspected with drug-sniffing dogs. During this activity, inside the bar, a 64-year-old Central African was identified and subjected to a tracing order issued by the Court of Genoa.

In via Prè, a 25-year-old and a 30-year-old local man who were bivouacking in front of a restaurant were identified and subsequently reported to the competent authority. for violation of the preventive measure of the Oral Notice issued by the Police Chief of Genoa.

Polfer officers checked several travelers in the Piazza Principe railway station and in the opposite Piazza Acquaverde in the hall, on the railway platforms and on board the trains in transit.

Throughout the activity, careful supervision was also carried out on compliance with the administrative provisions regarding the ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages, with the help of the Local Police and on the anti-degradation measures in place.

Overall over 100 people were checked, some subjective profiles are still being examined.

Genova: la polizia di Stato insieme alla Polfer e al Reparto Prevenzione Crimine hanno intensificato i controlli nel quartiere di Prè

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