Genoa, while waiting to be examined he tries to steal from hospitalized patients. Reported by the State Police

The State Police of Genoa reported a 50-year-old local man for the crime of attempted theft

Genoa, while waiting to be examined he tries to steal from hospitalized patients. Reported by the State Police

The Genoa State Police reported a 50-year-old local man for the crime of attempted theft.
The officers of a UPGSP patrol car intervened at the Emergency Room of the San Martino Hospital as the presence of a person who was trying to steal from people waiting to be seen had been reported.

Genova, in attesa di essere visitato cerca di rubare ai pazienti ricoverati. Denunciato dalla Polizia di Stato

In particular, the man, who was also waiting to be examined, tried to steal a bag full of clothes from a woman who at that moment was lying asleep on a stretcher.
During his attempt, however, he was seen by a security guard who immediately called the police.

The 50-year-old, with several previous police convictions, was thus reported and left for medical care as he was still awaiting a visit.

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