Genoa: Transport, first meeting of 2025 between Liguria Region, Trenitalia, RFI, Consumer Associations and Commuters' Committees
First meeting of 2025 of the table between the Liguria Region, Consumer Associations and commuter committees, Trenitalia and Rfi to address the issue of infrastructure works and poor service. Councilor Scajola comments: "Adequate compensation for those who suffer inconvenience".
Genoa: Transport, first meeting of 2025 between Liguria Region, Trenitalia, RFI, Consumer Associations and Commuters' Committees
First meeting of 2025 of the table between the Liguria Region, Consumer Associations and commuters' committees, Trenitalia and Rfi to address the issue of infrastructure works and poor services.
After 2,5% tariff freeze wanted by the president of the Liguria Region Marco Bucci and the regional councillor for Transport Marco Scajola, who will be formalized in the council meeting next Thursday, the meeting served to take stock of the main ongoing disputes. Starting from the need to change the tariffs on which Trenitalia has taken action to update the purchasing systems and ensure greater synchronicity in the transition from trains to replacement buses following the scheduled works.
The councilor asked RFI to make maximum effort in planning the next construction sites that will be concentrated in the Genoa hub and also along the Genoa – Milano.
«Following the work carried out in the first few days of the year on the Cogoleto Sestri Ponente railway line, the Liguria Region has taken a clear position – said the regional councillor for Transport Marco Scajola – In front of Trenitalia and RFI I have clearly stated that we will not tolerate a management like the deficient one had by the Intercity. Instead, I expressed satisfaction, also shared by the Consumer Associations and the commuter committees, for the management of regional trains. Together with all the Associations we have managed the information link which, with over 2000 registered contacts, has proved to be a useful tool for providing information and giving answers to citizens».
«Furthermore – continued Councillor Scajola – in addition to having decided the tariff freeze for 2025, we also have a possible increase in the value of the commuter bonus in the event of delays and inconveniences from 20% to 30% was hypothesized. A cost that will have to be borne by the infrastructure manager».
«The Conference of the Regions had already expressed itself unanimously on this topic, referring to the construction sites linked to the Pnrr which also include a portion of resources to be allocated to compensation for those damaged by the inconveniences – concluded Scajola – for this reason I will take care to return to the subject within the Conference in order to create a comparison between the Regions, the Ministry and RFI which concerns not only Liguria but all of Italy.».
Councilor Scajola reiterated the importance of infrastructure work on the railway network, but at the same time the need to minimize inconvenience, also through appropriate planning. Consumer associations for their part reiterated the need to make refunds due for inconveniences suffered automatic.
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