Genoa, State Police blitz against drug dealing. Arrests, reports and seizure of narcotic substances

The State Police continues its actions to combat drug dealing in the city streets

Genoa, State Police blitz against drug dealing. Arrests, reports and seizure of narcotic substances

The Genoa State Police arrested in four separate operations this afternoon, a 35-year-old Tunisian and a 36-year-old local, for possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. They also reported a 20-year-old Tunisian and a 56-year-old Italian for the same crime.

Around 15.00:XNUMX PM, a UPGSP patrol car, during its territorial control service, noticed a person traveling on a scooter at high speed, zigzagging between pedestrians and looking back as if he wanted to escape something. They decided to check him and found a block of brown substance. Another block was found in his home for a total of 251,45 of cannabis as well as 620 euros in banknotes of various denominations, probable proceeds of drug dealing. The 35-year-old, with a criminal record for drug dealing, was placed at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.

Genova, contrasto allo spaccio da parte della Polizia di Stato. Due arresti, due denunce e oltre 300gr di stupefacente sequestrato

Always in the afternoon, the Mobile Squad staff during a service aimed at combating drug dealing, he arrested in flagrante delicto a 36-year-old local man with a criminal record for specific crimes.
According to previous investigations, the man was involved in cocaine dealing at his home in the Marassi neighborhood. During the search, with the help of a canine unit with the dog Leone, 20g of cocaine and 5,92g of cannabis divided into various doses, cutting agent, a scale and packaging material were found, all elements that supported the hypothesis that the narcotic substance was intended for sale.He will be tried via summary trial this morning.

The 13,74-year-old Tunisian, with a criminal record, was found in possession of XNUMX grams of hashish and was reported at large by the personnel of a UPGSP patrol car. who had subjected him to a check at 14:00 pm in via San Benedetto, during the regular patrolling of the territory. While the 56-year-old Italian woman was reported to the Judicial Authority by the agents of the San Fruttuoso Police Station, since, following a search, she was found in possession of packaging and cutting material, as well as several grams of narcotic substance.

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