Genoa: “LOG-In” Project, development of soft skills through free initiatives

project for young people

Genoa: “LOG-In” Project, development of soft skills through free initiatives

The “LOG-In” project was presented, the co-design intervention to give young people aged 16 to 30 new opportunities for free time and the development of soft skills through free initiatives present in the area. The project, implemented thanks to public co-financing of 430 thousand euros in implementation of the State/Region Agreement from the Youth Policy Fund and coordinated by the Liguria Region in collaboration with Aliseo and the Third Sector Forum, is part of the “Youth Project: knowing how to be to know how to do”, an experimental co-design process, the first promoted by the Liguria Region in the youth sector.

The partnership, active throughout the region, has involved more than 4.500 young people in six months, of which 2500 in 170 workshops and educational-recreational initiatives and 2.000 in activities with active participation of young people in events and initiatives dedicated to the community. A project that has made it possible to accompany 100 young people in individual courses also dedicated to fragilities and 24 young people in courses of "Identification, Validation and Certification" of skills. The children participated in all the initiatives free of charge.

"We want to create strategies capable of involving young people not only as recipients of policies, but also as active subjects capable of generating innovative ideas and getting involved in building their future. - Explains Regional Councillor for Youth Policies Simona Ferro. – The launch of the project has allowed the creation of a network, made up of third sector bodies and youth associations, which has been able to create an integrated project on the territory, from the centre to the hinterland areas, offering 4.500 young people real contexts in which to experiment to develop that set of social, cognitive, personal and technical skills to face the challenges of daily life with flexibility, adaptability and resilience".

Some of the kids involved have created the online catalogue “LOG_In“to make known and accessible, from urban areas to the hinterland, all these initiatives (workshops, training activities, internships, events, orientation courses, skills certification, etc.). To support the project, a travelling camper was also set up.

The entities involved in the projects, in addition to the Liguria Region, Aliseo and the Ligurian Third Sector Forum, are: Agorà Social Cooperative Society (leader), Prometeo Arciragazzi Club, YEPP Albenga Social Promotion Association, Madonna dei Bambini Diocesan Work – Boy's Village, L'Ancora Solidarity Center Social Cooperative Society, Progetto Città – Social Cooperative Society, Jobel Social Cooperative Society, Sentiero di Arianna Social Cooperative, ACLI Genova APS, ACLI Provincial Headquarters Savona APS, Arci Liguria APS – (operational coordination), Arci Liguria Civil Service APS, Uisp La Spezia and Valdimagra Territorial Committee APS, Nuovi Profili Association, La Piccola Matita Social Cooperative, UISP Liguria Regional Committee APS, Nassa Rapallo APS.

Genova: Progetto "LOG-In", sviluppo di soft skills attraverso iniziative gratuite

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