Genoa: Repeat offender driving under the influence and without a license, 35-year-old reported

found driving under the influence of alcohol and without a driving license, reported

Genoa: Repeat offender driving under the influence and without a license, 35-year-old reported

The State Police reported a 35-year-old local man for the crime of driving under the influence of alcohol without a driving license and possession of burglary tools. The officers of a patrol car from the Cornigliano Police Station subjected the 35-year-old on board a vehicle to a regular police check, as he was recognized as a repeat offender.

The man, in an evident state of alteration due to the intake of alcoholic substances, he tested positive for alcohol and, following a search of the car, a magnetic device for removing anti-shoplifting devices was found. He was then accompanied to the Police Headquarters to draw up the documents and the car was seized.

Genova: Pluripregiudicato guidava in condizioni alterate e senza patente, denunciato 35enne

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